DEVIANCE AND CRIME CASE STUDY In any human society where accepted behavior modes are laid, deviating from the norm is inevitable (Abotchie, 2008). Deviance and crime are and have always been a danger

DEVIANCE AND CRIME CASE STUDY In any human society where accepted behavior modes are laid, deviating from the norm is inevitable (Abotchie, 2008). Deviance and crime are and have always been a danger

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In any human society where accepted behavior modes are laid, deviating from the norm is inevitable (Abotchie, 2008). Deviance and crime are and have always been a danger to the calmness and tranquility enjoyed by members of a community. Beside the gradual moral degeneration which can befall perpetrators when they are embittered with deviance and crime, there arise huge custody, health and economic cost to be borne by a nation full of the issue of crime (Simões, Matos & Batista-Foguet, 2008). For this reason, crime among children has now become one of the important social issues which every nation try to bring under control amidst the glaring evidence that, if the right nurturance is not given to child offenders, they may graduate to become hardened criminals. By reason of infancy and to avert derogatory labels, the child offenders are abandoned of their responsibility for their offence and therefore they do not get treated as an adult.