Disparity and Discrimination Created Black Lives Matter Today’s criminal justice system encounters several difficult and problematic circumstances. However, the following paper will refer to involvem
Disparity and Discrimination Created Black Lives Matter Today’s criminal justice system encounters several difficult and problematic circumstances. However, the following paper will refer to involvem
Disparity and Discrimination Created Black Lives Matter
Today’s criminal justice system encounters several difficult and problematic circumstances. However, the following paper will refer to involvement in disparity and discrimination within court procedures and law enforcement. Each situation discussed will pertain to disparity and discrimination within today’s criminal justice system. In some situations, disparity can result from discrimination. The following paper will provide examples, definitions, contrast of disparity and discrimination, and comparison.
Disparity is based on two elements known as legal and extralegal and do not mean discrimination exactly. The legal element supplies lawful explanations for decisions based on one’s criminal behavior and record. For instance, in court when determining a sentence or amount of time one should receive for breaking the law by burglary, rape, murder, etc. Another instance, law enforcement officials arrest an individual for burglary based on the individual’s past criminal history,