Describe A Content Analysis Criminal Justice (1) In the original paper Using Content Analysis Projects in The Introduction to Criminal Justice Classroom, in the abstract background the authors Finley
Describe A Content Analysis Criminal Justice (1) In the original paper Using Content Analysis Projects in The Introduction to Criminal Justice Classroom, in the abstract background the authors Finley
Describe A Content Analysis Criminal Justice (1)
In the original paper Using Content Analysis Projects in The Introduction to Criminal Justice Classroom, in the abstract background the authors Finley (2004), emphasized:
This article describes a content analysis project initiated in an Introduction to Criminal Justice course. Students were asked to analyze presentations of specific players in the criminal justice system, including criminals, victims, police, and lawyers.
Students were then required to compare the media presentation with reality, as derived from the criminological literature. This article demonstrates that this type of project can address course objectives of introducing students to the criminal justice system. Further, the project is consistent with constructivist teaching practices. Included in the article is a description of the project, justification for the project, specific project details, examples of students' projects, students' assessment of the project, and what students learned. The final section presents a personal reflection about the project, including recommendations.
THIS ARTICLE DESCRIBES a content analysis project initiated in an Introduction to