Religion has a negative impact on society Religion has a negative impact on society. According to researchers, it decreases people's motivation to pursue goals. Researchers believe that religious peop

Religion has a negative impact on society Religion has a negative impact on society. According to researchers, it decreases people's motivation to pursue goals. Researchers believe that religious peop


According Albert And As But Einstein God God, God. I If In It Just Life Many Medical Naturally, On Once Religion Religion, Researchers Sin So The There They This To Unless When When, You a accept according achieve act actions addition, afraid afterlife against all all-seeing allow also always among an and angels, angels. anger, another. anxiety, any are around as attacks authority avoid aware bad based be because become becomes been before begin behave behavior behind being being. belief believe believed benefit, best biggest bitterness blindly body, born bound but by call can carried cases certain certainly cheapest choice, choices choices, choose chose comfort completely condemned conditioned consequences consequences. continuous continuously contributed controlling corrupted corrupted, creating cultural decreases deep-rooted demands desperate development difference: different discover disgusting divine do does dogma doing dominance don’t doubt drive during each earlier earth. easy. economic effective effectively effects elderly, enemy especially eternal even every everything. experience extremist eye facades faced fail fanatics faulted fear fear, fear. feel, few fighting filled filling find follow follow. following for free, free. frees from giving go goals. good groups. grow grow, grown hand, happy harm has hating hatred, have having heaven hell hell, hence hiding higher history hope how however, human humans hypocrisy idea identify ideologies ideology, ignorance. ill-willed, impact impure in indeed indeed”. instead into is it it, it. just keeping killing kinds knowledge. leads learn learn, lesson. life lifeless like live living. lot made main maintain make many masquerading mean means medicine, mind, misery. moment. moral morality most motivation much name naturally need negative neurotic never not now obstructions of of, on once one oneself, only or order ordered, other other, other. others others, out own painful. path. paths peaceful. people people's perception, perfect, person, personal places please point poison poison, political possible potential prefer prove provide provides punishment, punishment. purify pursue put racism, rather reasons reinforcing religion religion, religion. religions religious rely researchers, resentment responsibility responsibility. restrict result, reward, right righteousness. rise said, same say schizophrenic. science scientific searching secretly see see, seeing seeking sensitive, serious served sheep shepherd.’ simply sin: sinner, sinners sinners, sinners. situation, situations, slow so so, so-called social, societies. society society. some something soon sorry soul. souls. spontaneously spontaneously. start starting state states stones stop success. such suffer suffering suffering. suppress survive surviving. take teaches teaching tell terrorist than that that, the their them them. themselves themselves, then there they thing, thing. think thinking this those though throughout to to, told tolerate too. tool towards treatment tremendous. tremendously true truth truth, turned turning unable unfortunately, unless unnatural unrealistic. up us used very violence. walk wants wars was watched way way, way? ways we what whatever when whether while why will with within without words, world worry worthy wrong wrong. years you you. your yours. yourself, yourself. you–the ~Voltaire – — ‘Only ‘living’ “If

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Religion has a negative impact on society. According to researchers, it decreases people's motivation to pursue goals. Researchers believe that religious people rely very much on God and are hence unable to effectively drive themselves towards their goals. Religion has also been faulted for the rise of extremist terrorist groups. It has contributed to the social, cultural and economic development of many societies.