How do you believe in God Religion, as defined by Webster’s Dictionary, is, among other things, “any specific system of belief, worship, conduct, etc., often involving a code of ethics and a philoso

How do you believe in God Religion, as defined by Webster’s Dictionary, is, among other things, “any specific system of belief, worship, conduct, etc., often involving a code of ethics and a philoso


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believable believe believe, believed believers believers, believes belong belonging below below. beneficial benefits besides best bet: better-functioning better. between beyond big billion bind biological biologists biology birth bishops bit bizarre-looking bleary blood blue bodies body bolsters bond. book book, books boost: boozy born borrowed, both bottom-line bound boys, boys. brain brain. breakfast breathing breeds broad brought brown browse burning bush, but by calibrated call called came can can't can, cancer cannot, cap capacity captivity, carry--embedded case case, cast casual caught cause cause, ceased celebrity. cells cells, cent centered central centuries centuries, certain certainty, challenge challenge, challenging chance chances," change change, change. changed changes chant character character’ charge charity charts chemicals chemicals, child children chosen church churches churches) churches’ churchgoing church’ cigarette cigarettes. circumstances cite cited citizens citizens, citizenship civic civil civilizations. claims class? classroom clear clear, clearly close closer clothing, clue co-operation co-operation, coaxing coconut code coexist coffee. cogency: cognates coils. coincidence, college colored combat combating come comes comforting coming comment commercially common communicating communication communication. communities communities, communities. communities; community community, community. company comparative comparison compel compliance comprehensive concept concept. concerned. concerning conclude--on conclusion: conditions, conduct, conferences confirm conflicts”. connected connection conquest, consider consideration considered considers, constant constituent constitution constitutional consultation contact contacts--pancake contain contained contains contemporary context continent continue continue, continues contraries contrary controlled controls conversation, convert converted convictions’ coordinator cope correctly correspond cotta could count). counter counterpart countless countries countries, countries. country covered cravings--and create creates credentials, creed creepy, crisis critical cruel, cultivate culture, cups current currently custom custom)”. custom, customary customs cylinders. dabbled daily damage dark data dating day de death, debate decade decade. decision, declined deep deference defined degrees deliever. deliver. delivery demand democracy democracy, democratic demonstrated demonstrates denying depressed derived describe described describes designed desperately destined destruction detail detailed deteriorate determines develop developed development devise dialogue dialogue, dialogue” dictated did didn't difference differences differences, different difficult difficult. dilemmas dilemmas. dimension disappearance discontinue discourage discovered discovery discriminatory discussed disease. diseases disseminate dissemination distinctive diversity divided divine do doctrine doctrines, does doesn't dogmas doing don don't dopamine, doubt doubts down dozens dragged drawn drinking drive drive, drive. drugs during duty each ear, earlier eat eating, educates education education. educational educator educator, educator. effectively effectively. effects elderly electrical electromagnetic elements eliminate empty enact encapsulated encourage encourages end endless enjoy enter entertainment entity equivalent erase, especially espresso essential essential, established established, establishment estimates, etc., ethical ethical, ethics ethnic even event events ever. every everyone everything everything. evidence evidence--that exactly examination examine examines example, examples excellent exceptional exchanges exercise exist existing exists expects experience experience, experiences experiences--their experiences. experience’ experiential experimental explains explains, exploration explore explores expresses expression extension extent extraordinary extremism, face facing fact fact, fail failures, faith faith. faiths faiths. faith”. fall false. families family family, famous fanaticism far far-fetched far-fetched. faster. favor fear feasts, feature feel feel-good feeling field field, field. fighting figure find findings findings, fine. finger finished fire firing firm first five flavors, flirt flux. fly focus follow followers following for for. for? forced forging forgotten. form form. forms--one forth forum forward foster found foundations founded founder frame framing fraught freedom freedom, freedoms from fruit." full fully fundamental fundamentalist further gain game. gave gender gene gene. gene." general generally generation generations. genes' genes, genetic geneticist get getting girls girls' girls, give given gives globalization globe. glorious god goes going good goods gorge got government gratuitous great greater green. group group. grouping groups groups”. grow growing growth guarantees guess, guest guidance habit, had had. half hallucinations. hallucinogenic hand, handing handsome hard has has, have have. having havoc havoc. he he'd head headdress health health. healthier healthier, hear heart heavy held helmet help helpless helps here here. heritage hermeneutic high high-level high. highlight highly highway. him himself himself, hinder, hindrance his hiss historic history history, history. hit. hodgepodge holy home home, home. hooked hostility how how, however, however: hue hue, huge human humanist humanity’ humans idea identities, identity identity, ideological if ignorance, immediate immune impassionate importance important important: imposed, improbable improve impulses in in, in--the in-service include including incompatible, increasing incredulity: independence indicates individual individuals individuals--a induce influence information inherited inherited, initial initiation innovate, insecurity: inside insight insomnia, instance, instead instincts institute institutionalized institutions institutions, instruction. instruments insults, integral intense inter inter-religious interact intercultural interdenominational interests interference interferes internal international into intrigued. introduce introduce, introduced invades invasion, involved involving irises irrelevant is is, isn't issue issue. issues, it it's it, it--so it. its jarring job juice. just keep key kill kind know knowledge known--like labor, laid, language largely larger. largest last later, latest law law. law; lawfulness laws lay leaders leaders, leading leads learn learning learning, least leave left legal legislation legislation, legitimacy length less let level, levels lies life life, life. life’ light like like. likely lines linger link linking links literacy literature little live lives living lobe lobe. local located logic logically long long, longer longtime look looked looking lost lot lotus lowers lying machine machine," machinery. made main maintain major make makes makes, making, manifest manner many markedly marriage, material matter matter”. may maybe me, mean mean? meaning measure media meditation meditation, meditation. meditators meditators' meditators. mediums, meet meeting meetings member members membership mental mentally messy, methods microscopic midnight might mild millennium, mind, minds minutes minutes, miracle miracle, miraculous misunderstanding mix. model modeling models modern modernization modernized money. monotheistic moral moral, morality morals, more more. morning most motivated movement movements much multi-faceted multiculturalism multiplying must my myself namely narrow, nation national nations natural naturally nature naught. near nearby--and necessary need need? needless needs neighborhoods’ neuroscience never new newer night no noise--everything non-governmental nooky.) normal normally not not, noted notes notion: now now, now.) now’ number objective, objectivity. obligation. observance; occasions occupation, occurrence odds of of, off offer official often om on once one one's one. ones oneself. ones’ one’s ongoing only operating opinions, opposite opposition. optimism, option or oral order order, organizations organizations. organize organized organizing origin origins other other, other. others others, others; others” otherwise. ought our ourselves out out, out-of-this-world outcome outlet outnumbered outweighed over over. overall over”, own p. palace pan-European panna parcel parentage, parents parish parish, part participatory particular particularly passage past past, pattern patterns peace, pedagogy penetrates people people, people. people; people’s per perceive, percent perform performance performing perhaps periodic permits perpetuated persecute persist person personal personality personality, person’s phases philosophical philosophy philosophy; physical physically pick-me-up place place. placed places planning play played plays pleasure, pluralism. plurality, point political politics poll. poor. pope popular population position positive possibility: possible possible, possibly potential pounds pounds. powerlessness practical practically practice practice, practice. practices practices, practices”; practicing pray prayer prayer, prayers, praying precedence predominates. prescribed presence presence, present presents pressure, pretty prevails previously, primary prime principle principle, principle. principles privacy private, probable. probably problems process processes producing profess professing professions, professor program project project. projects promote promoters prone propaganda. propagandists proponents proposal proposal, proselytizers, protected protecting protection proved provide provided provides providing provision provisions psychiatrist psychiatry psychics, psychologist public published, purpose pursuit put quality question questionable. questionnaires questions quietly quite rabbinical... racism ran rapid rapporteur: rather rationality read readily ready reaffirm reaffirms real reasoned reasons, reassuring. recalls. recent recently reciprocally, reciting recognition recognize recognized recognizes recommended, recommends recorded recovered recur reference reflections regard regarded regarding reinterpret rejoice! relating relation relations relationship relationship. relevant religion religion, religion. religion: religion; religions religions, religions. religion—and religious religious: remarks remembered remove repeatedly report reported reports representatives represented representing require research research) research, research--on researcher residence respect respect, respective responses responsibility responsible rest? resting, restorative restraint restricted restrictions result return, revealed reveals revelations, reverence; review reviews reviews, reviews. right right. rights rights, rights. rigid rigorous. ring risk risky rites, rival rivalry road role role, role. roll room room. rosary routinely rubs. ruin ruined rule run-in running, sacred sadistic safer. safety, said, saints same samples satisfy saved. say say, saying, says says. scales scholars school school, school. schooling schools schools. sciences screech scriptures secondary section sects secular secular. secularity see seek seekers seem seems seems, seizures--experiences sell sense sensitivities separation sermons, serotonin serve service services set setting settings, several sex sex,'" shanti shared should shoulder show show, showed shown side side" simplistic. simply since single sins siren sit situation situations situations. skepticism slavery, sleep," sleep. sleeping sleeping, slumber. small smarter. smoke smoking. so so, so. social socialization socialization, socializing societies. society society, society. solid solidarity, some someone something something. something; sometimes somewhere sooner souls, sound. special specially species specific spent spirit, spiritual spiritual, spirituality spoke spreading staff. stage, stake stand state state, state. stated stated, states states. states; status stay steer steps stereotypes still stimulate stomps stop, story. straight straightforward, strands strangers, strategy street strength stress-related stress. strictly strong struggle studded students studies study study's study, studying subject successes such suffering suggested suggests summer support supporting supports sure; survey survival-of-the-fittest sustain syllabuses syllabuses, symbols symphony synonyms. system system, systems, table? take taken taking task), teach teacher teachers teaches teaching teaching, teachings teachings, technology, tells temporal tend tended tenet. tension. terms terrified terrorist test test, testing than that that's that, that. the their them them, them. thematic themes themselves then then, theology, theory theory, theory. there there's there." thereby therefore therein. these they thing, things things, things--from think thinking, thinks this this, this. this: those thought thought, three through till time time, time. times times, to to, to: today today, today. tolerance, tolerant tongues too took tools topic torment touch toward towards track tradition tradition, tradition. traditional traditionally traditions tragedy, training trait transcendent transcending transform, tree trekking trick trouble true true, true: truth truth-claims truth-claims, truth-claims: try tug-of-war turn turning turns twenty twice two type unacceptable. unambiguous undeniable, under undermine undermines understand understanding understanding, undertaken undertaking unexpected unexpectedly. unfriendliness unique unison, universal unlimited, unorthodox--but unwritten up upbeat upheld upon urge--without urgent urgent, us us. use used usually us—and valid validity. valley". value values values, values; vantage variety various varying vastly versa). version version" version. very vice view viewed; viewpoints views violate virtually virtue virtuous visible. visionaries voice volume volunteers waking, walking, walks want want? was was, waves way ways we wearer's wearing week week, week: weekly weekly: welcome welcomes well went were what what's when where whereas whereby whether which which, while who who'd whole wholly whose why why. wide widely will willing win winner winning wire with within without witnessing won't wonder wondered word worker working working, world worldly worlds; worldwide: worries. worship worship, worth would wouldn't wreaked wrecked written wrong, wrought xenophobia, years years, yet yoga yoga, you you're young your zealous – — —in ‘The ‘a ‘asking ‘drift ‘educates ‘have ‘hermeneutics ‘leaving ‘tensions ‘wrongness’ “a “action “annual “any “are “each “freedom “raderon”, “rader”, “religare”, “religio”, “reverence”, “the

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Religion, as defined by Webster’s Dictionary, is, among other things, “any specific system of belief, worship, conduct, etc., often involving a code of ethics and a philosophy; an institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices”; and also “a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held with ardor and faith”. It is derived from the Latin “religio”, meaning “reverence”, which in turn is