Leadership and Management The basic difference between a leader and a manager is that mangers get the following through their authority and formal title whereas leaders get the wilful following throug
Leadership and Management The basic difference between a leader and a manager is that mangers get the following through their authority and formal title whereas leaders get the wilful following throug
& &Conger 'A 'How 'Informal 'Making 'Pathways 'Relationship-based 'Shared 'SuperLeadership: 'THE 'The 'Vertical (08963789), (1), (1959, (1979) (1982) (1984) (1987; (1990 (1991) (1991), (2005). (2009) (2009; (Brooks (Carson (Downey (Graen (LMX) (Lindsay (Mann (Manz (Mitchell (Pearce (Peckham (Pescosolido (Robbins (Schnake (Simon (Singh (Smircich (Zhang (depending (emphasising (importance , . 1 1, 100 12, 13. 15, 155). 157-165, 163), 163). 168). 17), 172-197, 175-194, 177), 177). 179). 18 18(3): 18-35, 19, 1959, 1979) 1982; 1984; 1987, 1987; 1991, 1993), 1993, 1995). 1995, 1998, 2, 2001), 2002, 2003 2003), 2003). 2007, 2009; 2011), 2011, 2011; 2012, 2012; 2013 2013) 2013, 2013. 2019; 219-247, 23 23, 237), 239). 244), 244). 246). 25 257–73. 259), 28 3 31 31, 32, 341, 352-365 3rd 4, 43, 489-502, 49-78, 4th 5 5, 50). 51), 517-521, 518). 518, 519). 52). 528-549, 57). 57-64, 6, 62), 62). 65, 74). 74-93, 80% ; A A. 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Leadership and Management
The basic difference between a leader and a manager is that mangers get the following through their authority and formal title whereas leaders get the wilful following through their influence, guidance and stimulation (Brooks 2019; 163). Leadership is not absolutely related to