FINAL 30 1. ________ is defined as a business firm’s intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society.  Social screening  S

FINAL 30 1. ________ is defined as a business firm’s intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society.  Social screening  S


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CHANGING CHANNELS CHANTAL CHARACTERISTIC CHARITABLE CHARITY CHEAPER CHIEF CHOICE CITIZENS CLERICAL CLIMATE COLLABORATION COME COMMITMENT COMMON COMMUNICATING COMMUNICATION COMPANIES COMPARES COMPETENCIES COMPETENCY COMPETING COMPETITION COMPLEX COMPROMISING COMPUTE COMPUTER CONCEPTUALLY CONCERN CONCERNED CONDUCTING CONFLICTS CONSERVATIVE CONSIDERED CONSIDERING CONTINUE CONVINCING COOPERATE COOPERATION. COPE CORE COULD COUNTRIES COURSE COURSES CREAM CREATES CREDENTIALS CREDIBILITY CREDITORS, CRYPTOGRAPHY CULTURE CURRENCY CURRENT CUSTOMERS CUSTOMERS, Carol Coercive Concurrent Conflicts Consideration Contingency Controlling Cross-functional Cultural DEAL DEALS DECISION DECISION, DECLARED DELEGATION DELIVERS DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTALIZATION DESIRABILITY DESIRED DETAILED DETERMINING DETRACTOR DEVELOPING DEVISING DID DIFFERENCE DIMINISHING DIRECTLY DISTRIBUTE DIVIDEND DIVISION DO DOES DOING DOMINATED DONE DONE, Differentiation During EACH EARN ECONOMIC ECONOMICS EDUCATIONAL EFFICIENCY ELECTRONICALLY ELIMINATES EMERGENCY EMERGING, EMPHASIZED EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE? EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES, EMPLOYEES. EMPLOYS ENCODING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING, ENGLISH. ENTERING ENTREPRENEUR'S ENTREPRENEURS ENTRY ENVIRONMENT ESPECIALLY ETHICAL EVALUATE EVIDENCE EVOLUTION EXAM EXAMPLE EXCLUSIVELY EXECUTIVE EXPAND EXPECTED EXPERIENCE EXPERTISE EXPLANATIONS EXTERNAL Employee Expert FACILITY? FACT FALL FALLACIES? 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INVOLVED INVOLVES IS ISSUE ISSUES ISSUING IT IT, ITS ITSELF If In Indira Indira’s Initiating Intelligence Intense It JOB JOBS JOBS, JOHN Jane Jane’s Jared Jared. Jim’s Job KEEP KEY KNOWLEDGE KNOWN Kelly LABOR LABOR, LARGE LARGE, LAW) LEADER LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIP? LEADS LEANING LEARNING LEAST LEGAL LESS LEVEL LEVELS LIES LIKE LIKED LIKELY LIMIT LITTLE LIVES, LOCATE LOGICAL LOGICAL. LONG LONG-TERM LOSE LOSS LOW Leader Leading Legitimate Leverage Liquidity MAIN MAINLY MAINTAIN MAJOR MAKE MAKERS MAKES MANAGE MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT, MANAGERS MANAGING MANUFACTURER MANY MARKET MARKET, MARKET. MARKETING MARKETS MARKETS? MATH MEANS MECHANICAL MEET MEETING MEMO MENTORS MESSAGING MGT MINIMIZE MIX MONEY MONITORING MORE MOST MUCH MUST Meanwhile, Melvin Model Monday, NEARBY NECESSARY NEED NEEDS NETWORKING NETWORKING. 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PLANNING PLANS POLICIES POLITICAL POPULATION PORTION POSITION POSITIONS POSSESS POSSIBLE POTENTIAL POWER PRACTICES, PREDICTIONS PRESENTS PRESSURE PRIMARY PROCEDURES PROCESS PROCESSES PROCESSES, PRODUCE PRODUCED PRODUCING PRODUCTION PRODUCTS PROFIT PROFITS PROVEN PROVIDE PROVIDED PUBLIC PURPOSE PUTTING Patel Path-goal Performing Planning Proactive Profitability Psychological RAPIDLY, RATE RATING RATINGS REACH REASONING RECEIVED REMOVED REPLACE REPRESENT REQUIRED REQUIREMENTS REQUIRES RESEARCH RESIST RESOURCE RESOURCES RESPECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY RESTRICTED RESULT RESULTS REVIEWING RIGHT RISK RISKS ROLE RUN RUNNING Reece Referent Rigid SAMPLE SAMPLES SATISFACTION SCENARIO, SCIENTIFIC SEE SEEKING SELF-DIRECTED SELF-INTEREST SENT SERVICES SERVICES, SET SETTING SEVERAL SEVERELY SHE SHOPPERS SHOPPERS. SHORT-TERM SHOULD SITE. 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WAS WAY WAYS WE WEALTH WEB WEBSITE, WEBWORKING WEEK WELL WERE WHAT WHEN WHERE WHETHER WHICH WHO WHY WILL WIN-WIN WISELY WITH WITHIN WORK WORKERS WORKING WORLD WOULD WRITES What When Which Why YEARS YOU YOUR _____ _______. ________ ________. a a. about acceptable accepted accurate achieve act action activist after against aggressive, agreeableness allow allowing an analysis analysis, and annoys another any approach appropriate are are. as assertive associated assumed at authority avoiding b. balanced based basic be because beef been behavior behavior? being belief believes benchmark, benchmarking benchmarking, benefit best beyond bonds boundaries boundaries. bureaucratic business by c. can candidate candidate, candidates candidate’s chain changes characteristic characteristics charismatic climate closely collaborating command company company. compare compared comparing competition competitor competitor? competitors complete completing compromising computer concurrent conditions? conflict- conforms conscientiousness consider constraints continually control control. controls controls? correct corrective costs coworkers critically crucial current customers. d. decision decision. define defined degree delegation demonstrate? department departmentalization departments derived described desirability despite determine determines did dimensions directly distinguish diverse. do does dominating due during each easier easily economic education, effect ego else emphasis employee employees employees, employees. employment encourage enjoyed environmental established ethical evaluate evaluated. events, example examples expense experience expertise exploit extent external extraversion fallen fear feedforward fellow field. fill final financial find finding finds fires, firm firms firm’s focus follower followers following follows for forcing forecasting formal formulate four free from functional functions generates given goals goals? going good green, ground group halo hard has have he her high his how however, ideal ideas identified identify immediate implemented implicit impressed. in including individual individual. industry industry. influencing information innovation instead intention, interact internal interview interviewing investigate inward is issues, issuing it it. its itself job knowledge knowledge. known leader leader, leadership leader’s leading learn leaving legal less levels likely locus low lunch made main make makes making making? management management? manager managers manages market marketplace matrix matters may measure measures meet members members? met minority missing model money money. monitor more most much must nacho need needs new no noncompetitor noncompetitor. noncompetitors not number obedience objectives obligation obligations, obtain. of official often on one one’s only open openness or organic organization organization. organization? organizational organizations organization’s organizing osmosis other others. out outside outward own panel, participation partnering past performance personality, personality. pitfalls place planning platters pompous, position possess? power practice practice, practices preferences prestigious prevents previously principle. problem process process. processes product product), productivity products progress. project protect putting range rarely ratio rationalizes ratios reach readily real recommendations refers relates remove report require resolved resorts respond responsibility result return rewards right risks roadblocks role roles rush, said sale same satisfaction satisfying says scorecard screening security security, see selectivity self-serving. sensitivity set setting she short-term similarity single situation, so society. solution source span speaking specialization specific staff stages stakeholder standard standards standards. standards? stated statements step stereotyping stocks strategic strategies strategies? strategy strength. strengths, strong structure studies, suitable synthetic tacos tainted takes taking talkativeness team team. teams technique techniques? terminates than that the their theory these they things this threats, time time-consuming timely to to. tools top trait transfer true two type types unexpected unfavorable unity university, until use use? used using using? vacancy valued values variation victim wanted wants was wasted ways weaknesses what when which who with within work worked working world would written years. – •

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1. ________ is defined as a business firm’s intention, beyond its legal and

economic obligations, to do the right things and act in ways that are good for


 Social screening

 Social responsibility (Page No. 125)