Mission and Vision of Baptist Healthcare
Mission and Vision of Baptist Healthcare
Mission and Vision of Baptist Healthcare
Nothing is permanent in this world apart from change. In life, change is inevitable, not only for survival, but also in maintaining relevance in an ever-dynamic world. Healthcare reforms often demand a system that constantly offers quality care. This means that models of healthcare delivery ought to be innovative, evidence based and eventually cost effective so as to achieve any organizational goal.
In healthcare, change is an incessant cycle and may present signs of apprehension within the organization. This is often so because change calls for improvement as well as a means of growth and development. Consequently, the fear of the unknown sets in and causes conflict, especially in trying to adjust to the new methods. Therefore, communication is the key to understanding and accepting the importance of change.
For this reasons, managers and leaders need to adequately explain to his/her subordinates the rationale behind change and how it will affect their duties while at the same time improve the interests of the organization. This requires a team of highly educated professionals who possess advanced skills with the aim of providing quality healthcare. This paper thus seeks to explore challenges experienced in a healthcare department, the planned changes required and the requisite characters and characteristics to implement the realised changes. This is with a focus on Lewin’s change theory among other classic change models