A Study on the Component Skills Required of a Human Resource Advisor
A Study on the Component Skills Required of a Human Resource Advisor
A Study on the Component Skills Required of a Human Resource Advisor
Included in the time period are the years of experience as DOT # 169.167-034 Manager, Office, DOT # 166.117-018 Manager, Personnel, and DOT # 162.117-018 Contract Administrator. Each of these experiences open up further advancement opportunities for one to expand the career in human resources and advance to where one is currently employed at IBM as a contracts administrator.
The component skills involved with my employment as a Human Resource Advisor are: Hiring, Managing, Accounting, Communicating, Coordinating, Educating, and Writing.
Hiring – One is responsible for selecting the most qualified candidates whom possess the technical skills to fill positions for a high tech company.The candidates must meet the requirementsset forth from the manager. These functions include project/program management, application maintenance and enhancement, system implementation and integration, testing/quality assurance, design, engineering, infrastructure, technical writing, infrastructure support, help desk, and web development and maintenance. However, the candidate must also have the attitude and characteristics to fit into the current team or group of employees already in this environment. One has to have an understanding of the technical language and possess knowledge of the software, hardware, and project specifics in order to communicate with the managers and hire the best employee. Once one has searched the company database and online employment resource websites then one will identify a group of possible resumes that possess the specific skil