Masters Pass Marketing Report Tesla has risen to public attention in the last couple of years through its high-visibility PR actions and high-performance electric cars by setting industry standards an
Masters Pass Marketing Report Tesla has risen to public attention in the last couple of years through its high-visibility PR actions and high-performance electric cars by setting industry standards an
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Pass Marketing Report
Tesla has risen to public attention in the last couple of years through its high-visibility PR actions and high-performance electric cars by setting industry standards and altogether redefining perceptions to personal mobility (Niedermeyer, 2019). Although Tesla is predominantly associated as an Electric Vehicle (EV) manufacturer, its scope of operations covers an assortment of other supporting activities revolving around renewable energy innovation both within and beyond the car-making industry (Niedermeyer, 2019). The high level of vertical integration allows Tesla to exercise control over a large proportion of supply chain operations, which may be perceived as a risk reduction strategy to eliminate supply chain bottlenecks and to reduce ‘time