Health Assessment Across the Lifespan Health and Social Care Essay 3097
Health Assessment Across the Lifespan Health and Social Care Essay 3097
& (Barer, (Berk, (Berkman (Drummond, (Galabuzi, (Gray, (Mooney, (Pattie, (Phelps, (Shaw, (Wilkinson, (Wise, (World 116). 120). 121). 127). 150). 153). 156). 167). 1979, 198). 1993, 1994, 1998, 1999, 2. 200). 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2020 2020, 205). 208). 210). 212). 215). 234). 3. 3097 4. 45). 5. 68). 73). 78). 80). 83). 89). 90). A Across Adult Again Again, Also, An Another As Assessment Being Care Clarke, Client Consequently, Cultural Culture Darling, Disparities Economic Elderly Essay Every Factors For Furthermore, Gilleard, Glass, Gordon Health However, In Incorporated Infant It Lifespan Love Marmor Marmot, Medically, Of On One Organization, Other P. 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Health Assessment Across the Lifespan Health and Social Care Essay 3097
In nursing, there are techniques used to perform a physical examination of the various body systems of clients across the lifespan. The goal is to examine the social, cultural, political, and economic factors which have effects on the assessment of health across the lifespan. Assessment is the systematic or the unsystematic gathering of relevant information, making analysis and judgment based on the available information (World Health Organization, 2020 p.90). For purposes of this project, three different clients will be chosen across the lifespan. Consequently, an infant, a young adult, and an elderly client will be assessed.
2. Assessment of An Infant
An infant belongs to an age group in the population that has greater health care needs. However, does not imply that a community with a large population of infants will necessarily allocate resources to take care of this group (Wise, 2020, p. 127). The community may opt to invest the available resources to maintain the health of adults who could work and take care of the dependent group. The