Health and Social Assessment of China 2823 words
Health and Social Assessment of China 2823 words
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Health and Social Assessment of China 2823 words
The paper will focus on both the social and medical aspects of life in China. China is the fourth largest country in the world, yet it constantly rates in the lower end of modernized countries in terms of healthcare. This paper will explain how the lifestyle and the environment are putting the common person in China at risk for health problems. The main reasons for China’s health risks include a large amount of air pollution, high smoking rates, and problems with the water supply. These issues explain the high instances of lung-related disorders, such as COPD. The problems in China explain why their average lifespan is lower than other developed countries, like the United States. Also, this paper will explain the shortcomings of Chinese healthcare and which groups of people are at risk because of these shortcomings.
Country Assessment: China
China is a highly modernized and massive country. It has one of the highest populations in the world and is commonly associated among the world’s superpowers, alongside the United States and Russia. However, China has many issues due to high pollution and an incredibly large population