
& (2008). (6th (HMO) (HealthFirst). (Strategic (an (management 90 A AND America, Americans Atrium, CARE COMMUNITY CONCLUSION Care Chichester. Community Cooper County Discuss Doctor Dr Dr. Duncan, England, GREEN Gates, Ginter, Green HMO HOSPITAL He Health HealthFirst HealthPoints Hospital Hospital. Hospital’s However, I In Jefferson John L., LTD, Managed Management Many Medicaid Michael Michael's Michael, Most Organizations Organizations-2008). P., PLAN Participants Patients Plan Plan. REFERENCE Southern States Strategic Sussex, Swayne, System System, THE The There US United W., Wellness West When Wiley With a about accused adapt adapted administrative advanced advertise afford. agencies all allow allowing an analysis. analytical and appointment. appointments approached appropriate are area areas as assigned assistance associate associated assumption at attract avoids balanced be became because become becomes beds before begin being believed benefits between brought build business businesses, but by can cannot capital care care, care. categories” causing challenges’ change changed changes changing check chief choose clinic clinic; clinics clinics. close committed communication, community community. community/county. community’s compassion competition. competitive competitor computer contract converted coordination cost cost, county. course created creating crowed, customer cut cuts cutting day days. decrease deliver delivering departments. depicted design designated desperate despite determined detour developed developing deviated did difficult direction directions discuss dissatisfied doesn’t dollars dream, due eating ed), education education, education. eight eliminate emergency emergent encouraged endured engaged enhance enrollment, entered environment environment. establish established estimated exercise, expect expectations experience extensive external eye faced. facilitate factors faculties failed families family fee fell financial first fit five focus for for-service forced forefront former forty foundations, four free from full functioning. funding funding, funding; gang generate going government group group) growth guided had hardship have he health healthcare healthcare; healthy healthy. help higher-income highest him. his hoped hospital hospital. hospital; hospital’s ideal ideal) illnesses, imminent. impact improve in inability incentive, include indigent indigent, individuals industry information inpatient inspiration insurance insured interact into invest is it its jeopardized job keep lack lay-offs, learn learning levels license license; little local long longer low low-income loyal luxury made maintain maintenance make malpractice management management, managers managers. managing many market. marketing, matters meals; medical member member. members membership, merged million minor mission mission, model model. momentum monitor monopolize more multiple must my necessary need needed negative net new noble, non-communication not nurse obstacles obtain of off offered offering office on one open operate operating option. or organization original out-dated out-patient over overcome. paid paper, participating patients patients, patients. pay pay. payers permitted physical, physician physician‘s place plan plan; planning planning, plans point pointed points poor population population, population. populations positive practitioners price private problems process profits, program program, programs programs, projects. proper protection provide provided provider provider. provider; providers quality quitting rapid re-think reality receive received records ree reevaluate referrals refused regardless reimbursement remained remains reprimanded reputation required residents residents, resources respect resulted revenue, roadblocks roles room satisfaction schedule section see seek seen service service, service,” service; services services, services. set shelter short; showed shown sick, side, six skyrocketed. smoking, society, solve sons staff staff, starting statements, status strategic strategy strengths striving sufficient superior support surveillance system system. taken taking thCOOPER that the their them. they thinking, this threats three three-month’s time times to today’s towards training treat treatment trips turn two umbrella unaware under underinsured uninsured unique up used using usually utilization value, vandalism, vigilant violence, violent vision visionary visit wait waited waiting walk-in want wanted was way ways weaknesses weeks weight, well well-baby were weren’t when where which will with withheld within without worse would “financial “pre-paid

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In the first section of my paper, I want to discuss six unique problems associate with delivering health care to an indigent population. Discuss five ways that the Community Care plan will improve the health status of the community. Discuss the five factors that point to the need for change by Cooper Green Hospital. Discuss five strengths and five weaknesses of Cooper Green Hospital and discuss five strengths and weaknesses of the Community Care Plan.

In the United States of America, it is estimated that forty eight million Americans are underinsured or uninsured (Strategic Management in Health care Organizations-2008). In today’s society, health care is a luxury indigent population cannot afford. Many families are made to choose shelter over health care when government assistance is not an option. When a family member becomes sick, the hospital emergency room becomes a walk-in clinic to treatment minor illnesses, the waiting room is usually over crowed, and this resulted in extensive waiting times to be seen by a health care provider. There were unique problems associated with delivering health care to an indigent population. The lack of communication, education, gang violence, vandalism, low enrollment, and marketing,