
$49.95 & (A (Another (Cornell (Harvard (Simians, (The (University (distinguishing (reductionism (the 0393971759 1 1408 17, 1986) 1988). 1990). 1991), 1998 2 20 2001). 2008 3 49 9 A A. According Action: An Anthology Anthology. Are As Authors: Bas Because Bernstein’s Berstein, Beyond Book Bruno Can Card Carl Central Chapter Chapter, Chapter—which Company Cord’s Cornell Cover Curd Curd’s Cyborgs Date: Demarcation Despite Donna Dr. Drexel Duhem, Duhem-Quine Each Engineers Ernan Explanation, Feminism, Feminist Feyerabend, First, Follow Fraassen, From Hacking, Haraway Haraway, Harding Harding, Harding’s Helen Hempel, Hermeneutics, His How I ISBN: Ian If Imre In Index Induction Inter-theoretic Introductions Is Issues Issues. It J. 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Book Review Title: Philosophy of Science: The Central Issues Authors: J. A. Cover and Martin Curd Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company Publication Date: March 17, 1998 Length: 1408 pages Type: Paperback, Anthology ISBN: 0393971759 Price: $49.95 Cover and Curd’s Philosophy of Science: The Central Issues is an extensive compendium, separated into 9 chapters, each chapter covering one of the following topics: the Demarcation Problem (distinguishing science from pseudo-science based on the strength of scientific theory and evidence), Values and Objectivity in Science, Under-determination and the Duhem-Quine Thesis, Induction and the Nature of Scientific Explanation, Laws of Nature, Inter-theoretic Reduction, and Scientific Realism.

The 49 included readings are written by some of the most important philosophers in the field, writers of both historical/foundational, as well as contemporary interest, including Thomas Kuhn, Karl Popper, Carl Hempel, Imre Lakatos, Larry Laudan, Paul Feyerabend, Pierre Duhem, Willard V.O. Quine, Helen Longino, Philip Kitcher, Ernan McMullin, Bas van Fraassen, Wesley Salomon, and Ian Hacking, among others. The book is well organized. Each chapter includes a short introduction by