Computer 4812
Computer 4812
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Computer 4812
The period between childhood and adulthood that is, 12 – 19years is known as adolescence.1 According to the census of 2010, out of the total world’s population, one in every five people is an adolescent. In India, the adolescent comprises of more than one fifth of the total population.2 This period is encompassed by alterations in physical, psychological, and social development. During this developmental stage, more time is spent with peers and adults to face the variant social environment where more conflicts arise.1The psychosocial development of children and the youth today is embedded in a media society.3 An increasing exposure of the younger generation to media is a worldwide phenomenon. Recent advances in computer science have led to an increase in computer use worldwide. Estimated number of users has risen above 1.7 billion in 2009.Computer use is widely spread among children and adolescents who use computers for studying, communicating, playing and searching