computer 2968 Words

computer 2968 Words


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computer 2968 Words

Overall, computers are incredibly fast and reliable devices. The typical personal computer can perform from several million to several billion calculations in a second, day after day, year in and year out. They achieve all this speed and reliability with solid state technology. A solid-state device uses the electrical properties of semiconductors and avoids using moving parts or relying on the electrical properties of a vacuum. Probably the best-known solid-state device is a transistor, although there are several others. Although solid state technology is both fast and reliable, it can and does fail. Solid state devices are sensitive to excessive heat and voltage levels, and when a failure occurs in a solid-state device it can many times be traced back to either an overheating or power surge event. Computers, however, are not 100% solid state. There are moving parts involved; the most obvious example is the keyboard - although mice, hard drives and optical drives (both CD and DVD) are other prime examples.