CAN COMPUTERS THINK? THE CASE FOR AND AGAINST A I Artificial intelligence has been the subject of many bad "80's" movies and countless science fiction novels. But what happens when we seriously consi

CAN COMPUTERS THINK? THE CASE FOR AND AGAINST A I Artificial intelligence has been the subject of many bad "80's" movies and countless science fiction novels. But what happens when we seriously consi


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Artificial intelligence has been the subject of many bad "80's" movies and countless science fiction novels. But what happens when we seriously consider the question of computers that think. Is it possible for computers to have complex thoughts, and even emotions, like homo sapien? This paper will seek to answer that question and also look at what attempts are being made to make artificial intelligence (hereafter called AI) a reality.

Before we can investigate whether or not computers can think, it is necessary to establish what exactly thinking is. Examining the three main theories is sort of like examining three religions. None offers enough support so as to effectively eliminate the possibility of the others being true. The three main theories are: 1. Thought doesn't exist; enough said. 2. Thought does exist but is contained wholly in the brain. In other words, the actual material of the brain is capable of what we identify as thought. 3. Thought is the result of some sort of mystical phenomena involving the soul and a whole slew of other unprovable ideas. Since neither reader nor writer is a scientist, for all intents and purposes, we will say only that thought is what we (as homo sapien) experience.