BUSINESS WOMAN (According to the article “IBM’s Ginni Rometty looks ahead”, we know that Ginni Rometty is the 9th CEO of the IBM and is a successful businesswoman with great leadership and respected

BUSINESS WOMAN (According to the article “IBM’s Ginni Rometty looks ahead”, we know that Ginni Rometty is the 9th CEO of the IBM and is a successful businesswoman with great leadership and respected


(Colvin, (Hempel, (Henpel, (PwC), (Useem, 1994 2012). 2018), 2018). 2019), 2019). 9th According After All Also, Although America America. As At Before But CEO CEO. Coca-Cola Company, Compared Finally, For Ginni IBM IBM, IBM’s IT In India Indian Indra It M.B.A Nooyi Nooyi, PepsiCo PepsiCo, PricewaterhouseCoopers' PwC PwC’s Rometty Rometty, She Staying The Their US University, Using WOMAN What What’s When Yale a about achieve achievements achieves adamant adjustments afraid against ahead”, all also although an and answered any approaches, are article at attract back became because become becoming big both bring brought business business. businesswoman but by came can career career. cash catch challenge challenge, chance chance. changes. chief child combined comfortable common companies companies, companies. company compensation complex computer conclusion, conservative consulting control correspond costumers. courage create culture cultures dare deal deals decided decisions decisions. decreased desire developed different difficulties difficulty dilemma. directly do doesn’t during early earning effective efforts elements email employees employees, encourage end, end. endeavor, endeavor. event every everybody example, examples excellent executive executives executives’ experience experience, experienced face faced facilities facing familiar family feel field finally, find fire first five for foresight forwards fought found four from future. gain gained gender. go goal good gradually great greatly guilty. had hard hard, has help helped her her. ideas if imperial. in increase independent influenced influences instead interrupted interviewing into investment is it it, it. joining joke kind know lead leadership leadership. learn learned leave less like lives, looks lost lot made make makes man manage many markets marry means member men. methods mix more more, mother mother, must named need new no not now, of oldest on one oneBUSINESS only options order other overcame own paid parents parents’ partners partners, people people. person phone planned preferred problems products products. profits purchase put qualities questions quickly race rapidly rare related relaxing reputation. respect respected respectful rules salaries satisfied. save science see seemed sense settle share she show showed significant single six skill software sold some somebody’s spirits stay stayed step stock strict studying succeed. success. successful talent technology than that the their them these they this threatened three through time time, to top tough trust try two university up updated use very wanted was way way, ways we well what when which who will wise with woman women women, work, worked, world world. would “IBM’s

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According to the article “IBM’s Ginni Rometty looks ahead”, we know that Ginni Rometty is the 9th CEO of the IBM and is a successful businesswoman with great leadership and respected by a lot of people. Indra Nooyi, the chief executive of PepsiCo, is a great woman in business field and achieves a lot of reputation. The experience in their early lives, the tough spirits and the qualities of leadership make their ways to success.

Before becoming the chief executive of IBM, Rometty experienced a lot and paid a lot of endeavor. Rometty was the oldest child in her family and was brought up by single mother (Hempel, 2019). She was greatly influenced by her mother, which made her independent and adamant when she faced difficulty in her career. She learned computer science in the university (Hempel, 2019). Although studying computer science is more common for women now, it was