ACCOUNTING FOR KIDS Many people hear accounting and think of an office full of file cabinets and cubicles, thus its far more complex. Accounting covers far more ground than the average person may im

ACCOUNTING FOR KIDS Many people hear accounting and think of an office full of file cabinets and cubicles, thus its far more complex. Accounting covers far more ground than the average person may im


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Many people hear accounting and think of an office full of file cabinets and cubicles, thus its far more complex. Accounting covers far more ground than the average person may imagine. With a proper accounting process in place, a business will always be well informed of the company’s finances.

Accounting is a business aspect that affects numerous corporation and individuals all around the world. In the business world today, companies use the accounting process to record data relative to the finances of the company. Accounting tools such as balance sheets and invoices, help companies keep track of spending, profits and loses; information that is imperative to their success. This information is later passed on to investors and government branches to determine how good the company is really doing.

The government in turn uses this information to calculate how much taxes are owed