ACCOUNTING EXPLORATION To most people being an accountant means sitting in an office crunching numbers all day and having little to no people skills. This could not be further from the truth. I have
ACCOUNTING EXPLORATION To most people being an accountant means sitting in an office crunching numbers all day and having little to no people skills. This could not be further from the truth. I have
"13-2011 "Careers " "Summary." $109,870 $39,640 $48,920 $70,130 (I (or (whether - 0-2 10-key 16%. 2010 2011. 2012. 2013. 25 31 ACCOUNTING According Accountant Accountants Accounting Accounting. Admissions All America, An As Attention Auditors." Aug. Austin Austin, Based Bureau Careers Chief Collections. Corporation DOCUMENT EXPLORATION Even Executive Financial For From Growing HCA Healthcare Hospital However, I IN In Jan. Jobs Knowledge Labor Lastly, Location Manager. May My N.p., Officer On Once Other Patient References Required. Required." Search. Search." Skills Staff States States. Statistics Statistics, Statistics. THIS TOPICS Talents Texas Texas. The There These They This To Turnitin. U.S. United View Web. When While a ability able about accomplish accountant accountant) accountant. accountants accountants. accounting accounting. achieved, administration. after aid) all allowance, almost along already also always am amount an analytic analytical analyzing and another any anywhere appropriate approximately are area area. as aspect aspects at attention authority average away back backgrounds. base based basic basis. be became because become been being best between budget budgeting budgets build but by can career change changing charge choosing cities. class climbing co-workers college college. come comes comfortable comforting communicate communicating communication compiling, computer computers considering constant constantly continuation continue continuing conversation could countless country cracks. created creating cross crunching curve daily data. day deal dealing decided desire detail detrimental develop did document does doing drives easily economically. employers end endless engaging enjoy enjoying enough entry-level error error, even event eventually ever every everything exceptionally expand expenses experience explore fall familiar far feel felt field field. figuring financial financials fit five flows focus following for form forms. fortunate four freshman from front further genius, go goal goals. going good grabbed graduate grow. growth had hand-in-hand handle happens has have having healthcare help helping her high hire hope hospital hospital. hospitals hospitals, house how idea if importance important in include including industry information inside interests into is issues. it it), itself, job job. jobs, joke just keep kind know knowing ladder large learn learner,” learning learning, learning. level levels life, like line line. lines. lines” listed literally little longer looking lot love make makes manner manner. math math. matter may me me. meaning means meeting mentioned money money. most much multi-pages my n.d. naturally necessary need needed never new no not notion number numbers numerous obtain of of. office on one ones only operate opportunity option options or organization other out outlook over over. overlap parents’ part-time path pay people periodically. person person. personality. personally play pleasure positions positions. possible pre-medical prefer previous primary principles problem procedures, processes processing, programs. proof proper proven provides pursue put range realizing reason reason, reassuring recently regulations regulations. related requirements residency result room rules running salaries salary same say saying school science security, short. significant simple sitting six skill skills skills, skills. skills.” small software some someone something sound, spend spending spreadsheets, standards start state step, student submitted successful supervisory sure system system. tasks technically ten tend tends text that that. the their there these they things things. thinking this those though three through to tools touch, town. track truth. two type types typical undergraduate understand. unlikely up up. update use uses using using. varies various very want was way ways ways. well what when which who will with with. within without work worked working works world. would year year. years you | “color “good “learned” “perpetual
To most people being an accountant means sitting in an office crunching numbers all day and having little to no people skills. This could not be further from the truth. I have only recently decided that I would like to pursue a career in accounting after spending two years as a pre-medical student and realizing that I no longer had the desire to spend another ten years in school and residency programs. Accounting grabbed my attention because it does deal with a lot of numbers and for some reason, I like that. I have always been very good with numbers and much to my parents’ pleasure very good with money.
I enjoy creating budgets and looking at the best uses for money. I also love how accounting tends to build on itself, but always come back to the same basic principles no matter what form of accounting you are using. Growing up and to this day I have always created a budget with my money