EXOTIC PETS Some families face the difficult decision of whether or not bringing home a pet would be a wise choice, and the impact it will make on all the members of the family. Their lives will be ch
EXOTIC PETS Some families face the difficult decision of whether or not bringing home a pet would be a wise choice, and the impact it will make on all the members of the family. Their lives will be ch
Some families face the difficult decision of whether or not bringing home a pet would be a wise choice, and the impact it will make on all the members of the family. Their lives will be changed in many ways for both the pet and the owner, so making the right choice of the type of pet is crucial for a positive experience. The most popular selection among families is a dog. The Amercian Pet Product Association (APPA) is a leading not-for-profit trade association, and according to a survey conducted in 2011, 62% of households own a pet, and out of this percentage 46.3 million were dogs ("American Pet Products Association", 1998-2012). Cats came in as the runner-up choice for a pet with 38.9 million, but what if the best characteristics of a dog and a cat could be combined in one exotic pet? Would the outcome have changed if the public knew this was possible? After owning more than four cats and four dogs, I would definitely consider this alternative option now that I am on a mission to find the next pet for my children. During my search in many pet shops I stumbled around a ferret, and its glowing character captivated my attention, leaving me with the desire to learn more about them. While I watched him play with his cage mate, discharging his energy with such joy, I was convinced that waiting to take home a pet would be best at that moment. I left the pet shop empty handed that night, but with a plan in mind. Armed with patience and determination, I knew a bookstore would be my next st