Leadership in Criminal Justice Organizations Some of these challenges include noble cause corruption, communication skills, conflict and power, legal and political challenges, and shortage of help. Ac

Leadership in Criminal Justice Organizations Some of these challenges include noble cause corruption, communication skills, conflict and power, legal and political challenges, and shortage of help. Ac


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Leadership in Criminal Justice Organizations

Some of these challenges include noble cause corruption, communication skills, conflict and power, legal and political challenges, and shortage of help. According to “Ethics in Policing” (n.d.), noble cause corruption in policing is defined as “corruption committed in the name of good ends, corruption that happens when police officers care too much about their work.

It is corruption committed in order to get the bad guys off the streets…the corruption of police power, when officers do bad things because they believe that the outcomes will be good” (Noble Cause Corruption).

Some examples of noble cause corruption include falsifying or planting evidence