REFLECTIVE STATEMENT In recent decades, accounting education has been criticized for failing to provide graduates with necessary skills applied in the workforce. Such skills are demonstrated not only

REFLECTIVE STATEMENT In recent decades, accounting education has been criticized for failing to provide graduates with necessary skills applied in the workforce. Such skills are demonstrated not only


(1), (1-2), (1994). (2), (2006, (2007). (2008). (2009). (2010) (2010). (2011). (2017) (2018) (2019) (2019, (2020) (3), (4-5), (Accessed: 10-year 16 17 18 19 20 2013) 2019, 3 3: 4 A. Abraham Abraham, Accordingly, Accountants Accountants. Accounting Accounting, Additionally An Analysis Analysis. Another As Available B. Ballantine Ballantine, Besides, British C. China. Coca-Cola Communication Company Conclusion Consequently, Crawford, D. Despite Do DuPont During E. Education: Embedding Employees Employers FASB Federal Fifth, Final Finance, Financial First, For Fourth, G. Gathering, Generic Helliar, Hence, I IASB IFRS IT In Inc., Instead, International Introduction It I’m J. Jackling Jackling, Journal L., Lange Lange, Larres Larres, Learning M. Milner Milner, Monk, Moreover, O. October Outcomes P. PepsiCo, Professional References Reporting, STATEMENT Second, Since Skills Society, Stoner Stoner, Such The Theory Theory. Therefore, These Third, This Through Throughout Thus, We While Yorke Zaid Zaid, [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] a ability able about academics, accepted according accountancy accountant accountants accountants. accounting accounting, accounting. accurate achieve achieved. achievements achieving acknowledgement acquire action actual adept advanced. after age age. agreements all almost also alternatively altogether among an analysis analysis, analytical analyze analyzing and annual answers application applications. applied applying appropriate are area article articles articulating as asked aspect assess assessment assisted assumed at at: attempted attitudes audit available based be because been begun behaviour believe beneficial between broader budgeting built business but by calculate calculation candidate. capacity capital case cash chains challenges changing choose chose, cited classifying, clear collect collecting, come command. common communication communication, community. company, compare comparison competence competitive complete complex complexities. complicated comprehensively. computer, concepts. conceptual concerned consider considers consist consultants consultative contains contemporary context contexts contrasts contributed contribution. convergence cooperate cooperative coordinating corporate could course courses coursework create creativity credit critical critically criticized crucial culturally currently data data. database deal decades, decided decision decision-making, decision-usefulness. decisions declared deeply defined definitely degree: deliver demanded demonstrated demonstrating describing designed desired determine develop developed development did different difficult digital directly disciplines, discuss discusses discussion, discussions discussions, distinct distinction distribute divergence. diverse during e-mail, each education education. education: educational effective efficient either element employability employed employers employers. employers? employment. enables encourage enhancing ensure entry environment, equipped essential evaluate evaluating evaluation every examined example excellence exchanging exclusive exercise exercises expectations experience explain explaining explore expressing expression facing failing feel few final financial find finding findings finishing five flows, focus for formulating found four framework, framework. from function fundamental further future gather gave general generally generic getting give global goal. graduate graduates graduates’ group group. groups, had has have helped helpful helps homework horizontal how idea, identified identify identifying impediments. importance important improved improving in include increasing increasingly independently independently, individualistic individuals information information, information. inherently instance, integrative intellectual intellectually intelligence. intelligent intensely interact interaction interests interface international internationally, internet interpersonal interpret interpretation into introduces introducing investing. investment investments involving is issues it it, its job judgments. knowledge knowledge, known language largely leader, leads learn learning learning-to-learn lecturers library likely link listen listening, logic logical, logs. look lots make makers. management management, markets materials matter me meanings. meet members, member’s mentioned might model models module module, modules modules, modules. more most multiple mutually my nature necessary need negotiate next non-accountants not number numbers objective obstacles obviously occupations, of on one only operating operation opinions or oral order organisation organisation, organisation’s organizations organizations. other other, others our out outcomes outside over overcoming p.117) p.371) pairs participate particular perceive perceptions performance, performing period. personally perspectives portfolio position position, positive potential potentially pp.115-131. pp.123-138. pp.163-183. pp.205-221 pp.369-385. pp.387-402. pp.7-31. practical practice practice, prepare presentation presentations presenting previous problem-solving problems problems. process process, processing processing, professional projects promoting provide providers public purpose qualified quickly quite range rather ratio read reading realized reasonable reasons receiving recent recipients recognize recommending record recording reference referencing, reflective regarded related relevance relevant report report. reporting reports required research resources responsibility responsibility, rest resulted results, reviewing revisit revisiting role role. sake savvy search seeking selected self-learning, self-reading self-thinking, seminar seminar, seminars, serve several shifted should significant similar simplify situations situations. six skill skill, skill. skills skills, so social society soft software, solutions solutions. solving sources sources. speaking, specialist specific, spreadsheet standard stated statement statements statements, statements. statistical stewardship strengths striving structure student students students’ studies studies, studies. study subject success successful successfully such suggestions suitably summarized system take taken taking teams teams, teamwork technique techniques tends than the their them themselves, theoretical there these they think thinking this those three through to tools towards trained training. transactions transferred transmitting two twoREFLECTIVE uncertainty uncomplicated undergraduate undergraduates’ understandable understanding unfamiliar unintended universities up use useful users using value varieties variety various vertical views views. visualizing vital was we weaknesses week week. well were when whether which who why will with within word work worked workforce workforce. workload worth would writing, year year, years, —— ‘New

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In recent decades, accounting education has been criticized for failing to provide graduates with necessary skills applied in the workforce. Such skills are demonstrated not only specialist knowledge, but also generic and professional skills for employment. As the increasing number of accounting graduates leads to an intensely competitive environment, broader range of generic and professional skills are required by employers.

Since I have begun to study accounting for several years, I realized those skills had been developed to focus on solving varieties of practical challenges rather than only accounting problems. Yorke (2006, cited in Crawford, 2019, p.117) stated graduates equipped with such integrative competence are more likely to be employed and to be qualified for their occupations, which is beneficial to themselves, the workforce and community. This reflective statement will explore the generic and professional skills in the area of financial accounting and will identify the learning outcomes which assisted me in achieving these important skills from previous studies. Generic and Professional Skills