Investigate the Role of Tourism The aim of this study is to investigate the role of tourism in the economic development of host destinations. Tourism is now more dynamic and growing than ever, with t
Investigate the Role of Tourism The aim of this study is to investigate the role of tourism in the economic development of host destinations. Tourism is now more dynamic and growing than ever, with t
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Africa Africa, Africa. African Again, Agarwal, Aim Allocentric Allocentrics Alpine Although American Americas. An Analysis Analysis, Anatolia: Annals Another Apart Application April As Asia Asia, Association. Australia. Available Axelsson, B B., BBC BBC, Banerjee, Barker, Beach Behavioural Benchmarking Berger, Bernstein, Best Beyond Blending Boksberger, Book Boosting Botswana. Bottom Britain Brundtland Bulletin. Burns, Business Business. Byrne, C C-K., C-O., C., C.D CABI CHAPTER CRC California: Carolina Case Categorisation Change, Chapel Chapter Chapters Charleston Chazovachii, Chen., Chik, Chirenje, Chitongo, Chitotombe, Chou, Cicowiez, Cities. Cohen Cohen, Cohen’s Coles, Common Communities: Conclusion Conclusions Consequently, Contribution Cooper, Cornell Corporations Costa, Council Croatia. Crompton Crompton, Crown Culture, Current D D., D.H., D.S., D.W., DISCUSSION DMO DMO’s Dale, Damania, Dann, Dayananda Dayananda, Deconstructing Delhi: Destination Determinants Development Development, Development. Development’. Discovery Discussion: Disposable District District, Does Domestic Due Dynamics, E E., East East. Ecology. Economic Economics Economics. Edinburgh Edinburgh: Eds. Education Education. Educational Effect Elbe, Elkington Elsevier Emerald Emirati Empirical Employment England: Enterprising Environmental Ethnography EuroMed Europe, European Evans, Evidence Exports F Factors Feagin, Fennell, Figure Finance. For Foreign Forum, Free From Further Furthermore, Future. G G., GDP GDP, GDP. Gap Geographies. Gladstone, Glaser Glaser, Global Globalization Goulding, Gross Grounded Group Gukurume, Gulf H H., Haider, Hallen, Harcourt Hardaker, Harlow: Harrison, Hashim, Having Hierarchy Hill, Hill: Hillery, Holden, Hospitality Host Hotel Howell, However, Hsu, Huang, Human Humanities I I, I., IOSR Icelandic Impact Impacts In In, Inc. Income India India, India. Indian India’s Individual Industry International Introduction Introduction: Invention. Investigate Is Issues It J J., Jacobsen, Jamaica Jamaica, Jamaica. Jamaica’s Jerome, Johnson, Joseph, Journal Journal. K K., K.C Karamustafa, Kasane, Kenya Kenya, Kenya. Kenya’s Key King, Koltko-Rivera, Komppula, Kotler, Kovac, Kronenberg, Kuckartz, Kurtzman, L L., LITERATURE Lacher Lacher, Ladeiras, Lambert Lastly, Law. Laws, Leakage Leelavathi Leelavathi, Leelavathi’s Legrand, Leitch, Letters. Lewis, Like Limited. Line Literature Litvin, London: Longman. Low M M., M.M., METHODOLOGY MNC’s MNC’s, Macao Making Management Management. Management: Marine Marketing Marketing. Martin Martin, Maslow Maslow, Maslow’s Masoud, Mass Mathematics. Mathieson, McConville, McNabb, Measuring Mediterranean Method Methodology: Methods Methods. Michael, Midcentric Middle Mixed Modelling. Moreda, Morris, Most Mota, Motivation Motivations Mowforth Mowforth, Muller, Multinational Multiplier Munt, Myrtle N N., Narrative Nations Nations. Needs Needs; Negative New News. Ng, Niche North Novelli, Nyanga O., Objectives October Often Oh Oh, On Once One Onwuegbuzie, Open Opperman, Organisation Organisations Organizational Orum, Osborne, Other Our Outlining Overall, Overview Ow, Oxford Oxford: Oxon: O’Reilly, P P., Pacific, Parida, Park, Pay Pearce Pearce, Pearson People Pepper, Perlick, Perspectives. Pesonen, Peters, Phenomenological Philosophy Planning Plog Plog, Plog. Plog’s Pollard, Pollution Positive Positivists Prayag, Press Press, Press. Principles Product Psychocentric Psychological Publishing Pull Push Qualitative Quality, Quantitative Quarterly. R R., REVIEW Radzi, Raina, Ramakrishnan, Rationale Recommendations Recommendations: Red Rediscovering Reducing References Regardless Rein, Reisinger, Report Research Research. Restaurant Results: Rethinking-cross Review Review. Review: Revisiting Role Routledge Routledge. Ryan, Rylance, S S. S., SAGE. SPSS. Sage Sarup Saunders, Science. Scott, Sea. Self-transcendence September Sheng, Significance Similarities Similarly, Simon, Simons-Kaufmann, Sjoberg, Skogheim, Sloan, Smith, Social Sociology. Sons Soteriades, Source: South Southern Spenceley, Spending Sport Spots Steiger, Stoddard, Strategic Strategies Strauss Strauss, Studies Study Sun, Sustainability Sustainable Swiss T., TBL Technology. Terminology The Themes. Theory Theory: There Therefore Therefore, These They They’re This Thomas, Thornhill, To Total Tourism Tourism, Tourism. Tourism: Tourist Township Trade Trade. Travel Trends. Triple Tsui, Typology Tyrol U., UK: UNWTO, USA Ulama, Understanding United University Unlike Uriely, Using Usually Vervoordt, Visit Visitor W W., WTTC WTTC, WTTC. Wall, Western What When Why Wien, Wildy, Wiltshire Wiltshire, Wiltshire. Wise, With Without Woodside Woodside, World Worldwide Y., Yoo, Yoon, York: Z Zahonogo, Zainal, Zauhar, Zhang, Zimbabwe Zimbabwe. 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Investigate the Role of Tourism
The aim of this study is to investigate the role of tourism in the economic development of host destinations. Tourism is now more dynamic and growing than ever, with the development of new and upcoming trends which reflect the changes in tourist demand is taking center stage (Bernstein, 2019). Globalization has enabled tourism to reach great lengths with the United Nations World Tourism Organisation [UNWTO] (2018) reporting that international tourism arrivals grew by a huge 7% in 2019,