Dissertation Topics with Titles 1. The Impacts of Tourism on Socio-Cultural Development in Kenya With a growing population around the world, as well as an increasing travel and tourism industry, the
Dissertation Topics with Titles 1. The Impacts of Tourism on Socio-Cultural Development in Kenya With a growing population around the world, as well as an increasing travel and tourism industry, the
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Dissertation Topics with Titles
1. The Impacts of Tourism on Socio-Cultural Development in Kenya
With a growing population around the world, as well as an increasing travel and tourism industry, the impacts generated from tourism are on the rise (Mason, 2019). Social impacts of tourism most commonly refer to the changes which occur in the lives of the people living in host destinations (Pizam & Milman, 2018). Cultural impacts of tourism are closely intertwined with this definition as well, witnessing changes to local people’s traditions in the form of their arts, culture and customs (Mason, 2019). Therefore, socio-cultural impacts of tourism are a combination of experiences that are felt and