RELIGION IN THE WORLD TODAYAs Victor Hugo once said, “I am religiously opposed to religion” and I agree with him completely. Religion has been a part of our world for centuries but not everyone has to

RELIGION IN THE WORLD TODAYAs Victor Hugo once said, “I am religiously opposed to religion” and I agree with him completely. Religion has been a part of our world for centuries but not everyone has to


(towards 123 21 All Allah, Allah; Along Although As Bang Bible Bible, Big Blessed Buddhism Catholicism, Christianity Christianity, Darwinism Doesn’t During Each Earth East. Eastern For God God, God. Heaven Hell, Hugo I IN If In Islamic It Judaism, Later, Mary Mecca), Middle Mother Muslims Neither Not On Other Paradise People Quran, Radical Religion Social Some Sounds THE TODAY Terror Terror”. The Theory. There These They This Today’s US Unfortunately Victor WORLD War We Well, What When a able about addition affected after against agree alike. all all. almost alone also although always, am an and angels any anything are argue argument as at attack averted. avoidable be be. because been being belief beliefs believe better between black bond book branches broad but by call can cannot carefully. cases categorized cause caused causes centuries certain change choice choose claim classified commands completely. confidence connect construed correct corrupt could created death deaths, debate debates decided delayed delighted depending devoted did didn’t die differences differences. different differently, disciples. discrepancies, do does doesn’t don’t during each earth easy either enough established eternally. eternity even everyone evolution exactly excited explicit exploration extremely eyes fact fact, facts facts. false. families feel feel, feet felt fight fighting fights find five flawed follow following foolish? for forever found four gained go goals god god; going good. granted. grew had hand, happen hardest harm has have having here higher highest him his however humans, idea if ignorant in in, include includes insane insensitive instance is isn’t it it. it’s just killing killing; killings kind, know knowledge known last later lay learn least, let lies life, like little live live, look main major man many marriage me me, media messengers might minor money money, more most much my names natural; need never no nonetheless not nothing notice notice; occasion of on on. once one one. ones ongoing only opinion opposed or other other. others others, our out over own pain parents part pass people people, people’s person person’s pick pillars. plan portrays power practice practices praying praying, procedures process procreate, proof proof, prove purposes push reach. reading real really reasons regard religion religion, religion. religions religions, religions; religion” religious religiously right right? rules rules, rules. sacraments. said, sake same same, same. same? say science see seem seemed seems senselessly set several should side sides. similar similarities simple six slightly so some something somewhat spared speaking specific spend stance started still strong strongly subject such suffering sure sure, systems teachings tends than that that, that. the their them them. then theory there these they thing things things. think this this, though; thought thousands three to to. today treat true true. truly try two twoRELIGION type underground. unfortunately universe unnecessary up upon us us. versions versus very views views, want wanted wars wars, was way ways, we we, well. were weren’t what when where whether which whichever white. who whole. whole; whom why will winner. wish with without woman; women world worse would you younger your ‘them’. ‘us’ “I “War

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As Victor Hugo once said, “I am religiously opposed to religion” and I agree with him completely. Religion has been a part of our world for centuries but not everyone has to believe in the same thing or even have a religion of any kind, it is all a choice and a right that we are granted. When I was younger my parents decided that I could believe in anything I wanted to when I grew up and that they weren’t going to push a specific religion on me with explicit beliefs and rules.

The thought of being able to pick my own religion delighted me, I was extremely excited but I wanted to choose my religion carefully. We I found out that there were about 21 major religions in the world let alone minor religions and different branches of them in addition to that. I had a plan though; I was going to learn as much as I could about the major religions, find one I felt strongly about