PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” (Angelou, 2019) This is a
PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” (Angelou, 2019) This is a
& (2006). (2007). (2009). (4th (Angelou, (PTA), (Woods 2006) 2019) 40 A All An Angelou, As Barrow, Both Cager, Children Commitment Daughter. Dedication Dictionary EDUCATION Edition. Education Educators Finally, First For Her Honor House I If In Inc. Introduction Letter M. MA: Merriam-Webster Merriam-Webster’s Mrs. My NY: New OF One Open Other PHILOSOPHY Paperback Parents Philosophy R. R., Random References Routledge. She Springfield, The Thesaurus. They This Trade Two Webster, What When With Woods, York, York: a ability able absent abuse activities, add age agreement all also always always. am an and anything apply are area as assessments association at auditory auditory, authority. away balance be be. becoming been befalls behave being below benefit best better. between blessed boredom. break bring build but by can cannot card care careful caring, carry cause causes certain change change, change; changed characteristics child child, children children’s class class, class. classroom. classrooms clear cling come commitment commitment, commitment. committed communication community community, concise conference. confidence control cooperative creativity. day’s dedicated dedication, defined designed deterrence devotion diagrams did, diligence diligence, diligent disappointment, discussions do does doing down. due during duty e earlier, ed.). education educational educator educator, educator’s effective embrace embraces emotionally employed. encouraging endeavor engaging enhance entrusted evil experience experience. explain explore extended fair. fall falling family, feel feel.” field firsthand. five for foremost, forget forgotten four free from frowned frustration, get give gives giving good groups, hands hands-on has have healthy her her. herself herself. highest his honest honest, honor, hope how however, identify important impossible in indifference individuality inside instead instilled into involved is it just keep kinesthetic kinesthetic. know later. learned learners learners, learners. learning learning. lessons, let level light like line lost made made. maintain maintaining many me meant mentally, methods mind, more most must my myself. negative never no not notified nourished. of off offer. on on-going onPERSONAL one ongoing. only onset opened opportunity option, or oral order out over own pairing parent, parent-involvement parent/teacher parents pay. peer peers people period periods person personal philosophies philosophy physically, picture place placing pledge policies, politician. preacher professionalism profound prompts. pulling regard. report reputation requirement. respect respect, respectful responsibility responsibility, responsibility. responsible reviews. said, same schedule; school school, schools, scrutiny sea seek self-sacrificing seven she should show six small so society. something something. spiritually, spoken standards, stated still strong student student, student. students study subject synonymous system. take taught. teacher teacher. teachers teacher’s teaching teaching. tender than that the their them themselves they thing. this three through time. times. times; to together, totally touched training trust. truth two type types umbrella uncanny under understanding. until up upon use using very visit visual visual, volunteer. was ways welcome well what when which who whose will with within without witnessed words work would years years, you – “I’ve
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” (Angelou, 2019) This is a truth that I have witnessed firsthand. As a child, at the tender age of seven years, I was blessed with an educator, Mrs. Cager, whose commitment to her students was so profound until I have never forgotten her. She made me feel like I was the most important person in her classroom.
Her encouraging words instilled a level of confidence within me that I still cling to and apply more than 40 years later. Her commitment is responsible for my personal philosophy of education also being commitment. Other philosophies of education like dedication, responsibility, diligence, honor, and respect, all fall under the umbrella of commitment. For it is impossible to be committed to something without also being dedicated to that same thing. Dedication is defined as self-sacrificing