HARVARD SCHOOL OF DIVINITY 1.Many people in their own religion cannot identify someone/something in their religion 2.It is important to study religion, so there is a better understanding of the people

HARVARD SCHOOL OF DIVINITY 1.Many people in their own religion cannot identify someone/something in their religion 2.It is important to study religion, so there is a better understanding of the people


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1.Many people in their own religion cannot identify someone/something in their religion 2.It is important to study religion, so there is a better understanding of the people around us 3.Religion takes on the full effect of people around the world 4.People need to walk up to someone with good intentions of them and not make a generic assumption 5. We need to study and continue to study in future generations about religion. The more knowledge we know about other religions the better off we will be. Be open to differences. September 5, 2019

Indianapolis religious diversity

What is religion?

Until modern times, religion was not separated from the rest of life. It was all wrapped up in the fabric of life. Latin word religion meaning “to bind”.

A person or community “bound” itself to something that was worthy of reverence or respect. P.24

Merriam-Webster: the belief in a god or in a group of gods

Oxford: The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods: ‘ideas about the relationship between science and religion’ Collins: belief in, woship of, or obedience to a supernatural power or powers considered to be divine or to have control of human destiny Free: belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe