GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, RELIGION, GOD According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world. Religions are intended to give meaning to life or to explain the origin of life or the

GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, RELIGION, GOD According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world. Religions are intended to give meaning to life or to explain the origin of life or the


4,200 According All Also, Although BERNARD Based Bernard Bible. Buddhism. Buddhist Christianism Christianism, Every First For From GEORGE GOD Generally, George Gods Gods, Gods. Hinduism If In Islamism It Karma Koran Like Maybe Meanwhile, Nevertheless, No People RELIGION, Religions Rome.” SHAW, Secondly, Shaw Shaw’s Simply, Their There They Thirdly, This Universe. We a ability above, act action, actions acts advise advocate affect after ago. agree all all, almost an and are as ask at avoid avoiding bad be because become been being being. belief beliefs believe believe. believers benefits better better. beyond bring but by call can carry cause cleanse common conclusion, create death. deeper, delight destination. destiny details determine develop different difficult discover discussed do doctrine doing donates done. don’t each effect effects enjoy enter estimates, every exactly example, examples exist, existence explain fate find five follow foot for forgiveness. fortunes four friendly. from future give go god god. gods good goodness. guidance guide happiness, has have heart heaven help help. his honestly how human hundred hundreds idea if immoral. in in, incarnation, indoctrinate inside intended into is it it. karma karma, keep kind kindness kinds lead let life life, like listen live. lives. long look many matter meaning means might money mutual names nature need next not of often old on on. once one only or origin other our out people people. people’s person's person. place point power pray principles prop punishment. pure purpose purposes put religion religion, religions religions, religions. religious rely return, right roads roles roughly rule said. same same, same. say saying: search serving share should shouldn’t show since sins. situation, six society. some spiritual still strongly surface t tell tells that the their them them. themselves there these they things things, this though three through time to together. treat two ultimately unified united us version versions view, violence, vision way way, ways. we what which who why will with wo world world. would wrong, wrote you “All

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According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world. Religions are intended to give meaning to life or to explain the origin of life or the Universe. George Bernard Shaw once wrote that there is only one religion, though there are one hundred versions of it. From our point of view, we strongly agree with what George Bernard Shaw said. There is only one religion because all the religions believe the existence of one power which is beyond nature and human being to rule the world.

First of all, all the gods from every vision of religions have the ability to guide the believers become a better person. In many religions, gods can help people to go through the difficult situation, and give them the spiritual prop to rely on. All of the religions advocate a common belief that people should show kindness and avoid immoral. Their gods have the power to avoiding violence, which means