DESTRUCTIVE RELIGION Religion has been very important in people’s lives for thousands of years, and most likely will stay for years to come, “God is dead; but given the way of men, there may still be
DESTRUCTIVE RELIGION Religion has been very important in people’s lives for thousands of years, and most likely will stay for years to come, “God is dead; but given the way of men, there may still be
---. 1974. 1996. 1997. 2008. 363). A Also, Arc As Because Cambridge Christianity Christianity, Cited DESTRUCTIVE Daybreak. East. Eve Experience. Finally, For Friedrich. Gay God, Hollingdale. However However, Human, Human. Humanity Human” I If In It James,William. Kaufmann. LLC, Manor Middle Nietzsche, Press, Print. R.J. RELIGION Religion Religious Science. Science” Society That The These They This Through Trans. University Unlike Varieties Vintage, Walter With Works a able about absolute achieving actions addressed, adhere advanced advances advances, affected. again age age. alive all all-powerful allow allowed allows all”(James also always ambitions among an ancestors ancient and antiquated antiquated, antiquated. any anyone anything anything, apple applying are argue argued argument arisen around as assassination at atrocities atrocities. atrocities; attained avoid away basic be because become becomes been before begins, behavior behind being beings beliefs, believe benefits best big blind blindly. blindness book book, book. books bound bounds bringing but by called can cannot can”(Nietzsche, cause caused causes causing caves certain chance chaos. charge check co-exist co-existence co-existence, coexistence come, come. commands committed, communities communities, community community, community. compassion completely concept concepts conclusion, conduct conflict conflict. conflicts conflicts, cons considered constructive constructive, contained contraception, contradict contrast, control controlled controlling convinced countless create created created, created. creates creating creation criminal crusades, culture culture, day dead; deals deeds deem deemed denominations, destines destroyed, destroying destroys destruction destructive destructive, devil dictate dictated different directly do doctrine. does doing dominated domination don’t doubt doubtful doubting downward driving drowned”(Nietzsche, each earned easy end ends enrages ensure ensures entity errors especially eternal everyone everything example, excuse exercise exist existence extremely facilitate fact factor fallacies. fallibility family far fault figures, financial first five fixed. flawed follow follow, followed for force force, forces forever. forgotten forward foundations four free freedom. from full future, give given giving god, gods good good, governed government government, great group group, groups grown guides guiding hands happened harder harm has have having he heightened helps his history history, history; holy human humanities humanity humans humans, ideals ideals, ideas ideas, immeasurable immoral important imposing in in. incredibly independent influence innate instances instincts intentions, interpret intoxication involve is isn’t issues it its itself itself. joy killings know knowledge known labeled laws lead leader leader, leader. leaders leads leave life life, like likely lives lives, looking looks love made major making male man man. many marriage mass may men men, miracles mixed modern moral morals more most moved much murder must name namely nations natural nature nature, need needs negates neighbor neighbor, never new no non-believers normal not not. occurrences of off often omniscient on one one’s only or organization organizations other others our out out, outweigh over part passion passion, path peace peaceful peacefully. people people, people’s perfect play point political power power, practitioner prevents problem profound promises. proven provides pupils. pupils”(Nietzsche, putting question questioning rather rational reality reason regard regard, regulate regulations reigns religion religion, religion. religions religion’s religious rely reprimands respective reverse right rights role rule, rules rules, s.108). s.122). s.64). s.89). sadly said same say say, says science see sense sent separates separating set sex shadow shape should shown”(Nietzsche, shows shunned. side signs since sinner six so society society. some someone’s something song source speak speaking specific spiral. starts stay still stop stories strengthen such suffering suspicion takes taking taught teachings tell tendency. tends tens terrible than that the their them there therefore these they things think this those thousands three through throughout time times to to, today today. together, told, too took towers traditions, treat tries true truth truth. trying turn twin two ultimately unclean unto up updated values values, very view views violence. want wanted wants wars was waves way way, ways ways. we well well, were what when where whether which who whose why why, will will, will. with within without woman women women, word words words, world would written years years, years; yet you “Daybreak” “Gay “God “Human, “It “The “What
Religion has been very important in people’s lives for thousands of years, and most likely will stay for years to come, “God is dead; but given the way of men, there may still be caves for thousands of years in which his shadow will be shown”(Nietzsche, “Gay Science” s.108). Because it has been such a big part of people’s lives, people don’t want to, or are taught not to question these rules and stories that are told, it takes away their freedom. Religion also tends to be antiquated, its rules and regulations often don’t adhere to the modern world and therefore lead to conflict.
Finally, because Religion tends to become an organization or a group, it needs a leader, which causes a great problem because of the human factor and most of all because it is very easy to control people with something they deem as the absolute truth. In our society religion is a destructive force