A RELIGION DISCRIMINATION AND ETHICAL DILEMMA Although it is believed that religion brings ethic into workplace, argument on whether religion can be accepted to improve peace and ethic still exist in
A RELIGION DISCRIMINATION AND ETHICAL DILEMMA Although it is believed that religion brings ethic into workplace, argument on whether religion can be accepted to improve peace and ethic still exist in
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Although it is believed that religion brings ethic into workplace, argument on whether religion can be accepted to improve peace and ethic still exist in this twenty first century (A. Hicks, 2019). Webley (2019) indicated that religion and the ways it is expressed in public can generate strong emotion and opinions especially in the workplace. Researcher has reviewed the number of ethics issues happened in the companies and other organizations when the employees wish to pursue practices that express their religions conviction while at work (Webley, 2019).
However, every individual holds different beliefs according to their religion concept (James. , 2019). Therefore, conflicts of interest and ethical dilemma sometimes happen between employees as their religion is not the same (Webley, 2019). The issues that caused conflict will be discussed below.
Religion discrimination and ethical dilemma