Financial planning is not only for the rich “I am not rich, so I do not have money and do not need to do financial planning”. This is a misconception in financial planning but also a common conception
Financial planning is not only for the rich “I am not rich, so I do not have money and do not need to do financial planning”. This is a misconception in financial planning but also a common conception
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welfare. well what what, when where which who why will willing with without wonderful.” word word, work working working, works wrong year years, years. year’s you you. your yourself you”. “I “If “The “if “money”. “planning”
Financial planning is not only for the rich
“I am not rich, so I do not have money and do not need to do financial planning”. This is a misconception in financial planning but also a common conception in many people’s attitude of financial planning. How many people know that financial planning is how the wealthy became wealthy? Before I start this topic, I want to illustrate that the principle of financial planning is the person with income. Financial planning is managing your money and uses your money to make more money, but not a magic that produce money for you in any time and any situation. So financial planning can work for anyone