EARTHQUAKES DHORI: Cracks on a salt marsh can be seen on this aerial view of the epicenter of the recent earthquake near Dhori village some 20 km. (12 miles) from Bhuj in the western Indian state of
EARTHQUAKES DHORI: Cracks on a salt marsh can be seen on this aerial view of the epicenter of the recent earthquake near Dhori village some 20 km. (12 miles) from Bhuj in the western Indian state of
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DHORI: Cracks on a salt marsh can be seen on this aerial view of the epicenter of the recent earthquake near Dhori village some 20 km. (12 miles) from Bhuj in the western Indian state of Gujarat, Saturday Feb. 3, 2001. (AP Photo/Enric Marti) AHMEDABAD: Residents of Ahmedabad, India, survey earthquake damage Saturday, Jan. 27, 2001. Officials predicted as many as 6,000 may have been killed in the 7.9 magnitude earthquake in western India on Friday.(AP Photo/Saurabh Das) The 2001 Gujarat earthquake occurred on January 26, 2001, India's 52nd Republic Day, at 08:46 AM local time (3:16 UTC)