At The Beginning of Brainstorming At the beginning of brainstorming for this paper, I was thinking about to write something about Chinese pension system. But during the material collection, I found th

At The Beginning of Brainstorming At the beginning of brainstorming for this paper, I was thinking about to write something about Chinese pension system. But during the material collection, I found th


$ & (Difficult (Insurance (Mostly (Red (Usage (activities (estate) * 0 1) 13-17| 18-24| 2 2) 20 2010, 2012, 25-34| 3) 30 35-44| 40 40-year-old 45-54| 50 55-64| 60 65 70 80 A Accumulation Acquiring Adjusting Adult Adult: Ages Although An Any Approaching As Assisting At Based Basic Building But By Child-bearing Child-raising China China) China, China’s Chinese Conclusion Consolidating Creating Cycle Determining Developing Discussing Distribution Earning Economics Education, Establishing Evaluating Expanding Exploring Factors Family Finalizing Finance Financial For From Furthermore, Goals High However, I In Investigating Investing It Last Life Lifestyle Managing May Meanwhile, Meeting Midlife: Moreover, Need Needs Nevertheless, PAYGO Page Parent People Personal Planning Planning, Pre-Retirement: Preparing Raise Re-evaluating Retired: Retirement Revised SMART School: Single-Married- Source: Specific Stage1: Stage2: Stage3: Starting The There Therefore, This Training Unit, Updating Upgrading We Wealth What Working Years Young a about acceptable accomplished according accumulation achieve achieved addition, adjusting affairs affected affecting age ageing all also always amount an and applies are area as assets assistance at attitudes. avoid balanced banks, based basic be become beginning believe below better both brainstorming burden but by called can card) career careers, certain change change, changed. changes children children. children: children’s choice choices choices, collection, college combination companies complex. condition conditions conditions, conditions. consistent continually contribute could credit current cycle cycle. defined demand dependent design designing designing. desire. details determine developed, development did different difficulties. distribution diversified, do does due during easier educate education efficient efficiently emerging employees. employers, enabled estate etc. events events) events, events. eventual every everyone example, examples expanded expanding expected expenses factors families final financial financing find focusing following following, for found from fund funded funds future gives goals goals, goals. government greater groups groups. had has have having head-of-household health help helpful her higher his hope household household. housing how identity| implementation implementing important improved. improving in include includes income increased increasing independence individual individualized individual’s institutional instructions instruments insurance into introduce investment investments investors is it it. just know last late learn least, letter life life. lifestyle lifetime lifetime. lifetimes. like living main major make managed management managing many market market, married material may means meet methods middle, more most move moves nearly need needs needs. needs| new no not objectives obviously of on one ones) one’s ongoing only optimal or order others. our over| paper, parents)| parents| part part-time passes pattern patterns pension people people. people’s percent perfect periods person personal plan plan, plan. planning planning, planning. planning: planning? planning”, plans plans. plans| population private process products programs property protection provisions public push re-evaluate realize related require requirements resources responsibilities retirement risks rural same savings sectors security select self-improved. series shared shift should shows similar since single so social some something specific specifically spending stages stages, stages. standard start starts state state, still student success such sum, system system. systems. systems– table takes tend terms than that the their them theory theory, theory. there these they think thinking this this, three through throughout time time, to together tool training transfer tried typical understand understandable understanding unexpected unique up upon urban us. use used values values, varies very volunteer was way ways we wealth welfare well well-managed well-written what which will will| with without work workers. would write year-old “life

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At the beginning of brainstorming for this paper, I was thinking about to write something about Chinese pension system. But during the material collection, I found that China’s pension system and ways to achieve people’s financial goals are not well developed, we all know that the system obviously had to be changed. Starting in 2012, there was a shift of the burden of pension provisions from only the state to be shared by state, employers, and employees. There was also a move from PAYGO financing to a combination of PAYGO and funded systems. Last but not least, it was expanded to include all urban