Business planning - JSC «Kazakh-British Technical University» Business School Department of “Management and Social Sciences” Project Report Topic: Linguistic educational center “Otan” Disci2816 Words

Business planning - JSC «Kazakh-British Technical University» Business School Department of “Management and Social Sciences” Project Report Topic: Linguistic educational center “Otan” Disci2816 Words


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JSC «Kazakh-British Technical University» Business School Department of “Management and Social Sciences” Project Report Topic: Linguistic educational center “Otan” Discipline: Business Planning Team Number: 7 team member 1: Mutative Almira Term: Fall 2019 Instructor’s full name: Dr. Alex Mosesov Almaty, 2019 CONTENT 1. Summary…………………………………………………………………………………………………3 2. Business overview…………………………………………………………………………………..3-7 2.1...