MY PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION  I believe that progressivism educational philosophy most closely matches my educational ideals. In my opinion based on the progressivism educational philosophy, the purpos

MY PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION  I believe that progressivism educational philosophy most closely matches my educational ideals. In my opinion based on the progressivism educational philosophy, the purpos

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 I believe that progressivism educational philosophy most closely matches my educational ideals. In my opinion based on the progressivism educational philosophy, the purpose of education is to enable students to learn useful knowledge that has meaning to them in the future.

 Thus, the most useful education for students is the skill of “learning how to learn”. When students understand the methods of learning they will be capable of learning useful and meaningful knowledge for the endurance of their lives. Successfully educated students will have made the transition from having their learning experiences guided by a teacher to being able to guide themselves through the process of learning.

 Moreover, successfully educated students will not only have developed the competence to learn but will also have developed the character necessary to learn.

because my philosophy of education is progressivism; I want to focus on the whole child rather the content or the teacher (myself). In order to be ready for the real world these children need to be taught about the real world they are growing into. In accordance with progressivism philosophy, I