Law of Mirath - 1694 Words
Law of Mirath - 1694 Words
(SAW) (Zakariya) (heirs) (the - 1694 AND Ahadith Allah And Bequest Books CHAPTER Dara Dasuki, FOR Faraid Faraid: For From Holy How I IMPORTANCE INHERITANCE ITS Ibn If In Inheritance Interviews Islam Islam, Islamic It JUSTIFICATION Jahiliyya Journals Jurist, Jurist. Law Laws Leave Lord! Lord: MEANING METHOD METHODOLOGY Maja Makkah Mirath Mirath, Muhammad Muhammadu Muslim Muslims O OF ONE One PROBLEM PURPOSE Qmutni Quotations Quraish Qurtubi, Qur’an Qur’an: RESEARCH SCOPE STATEMENT THE Tadhkirat The There They This Thus Thus, To Try USE Unlike When With Words Zakariya, a about above above, according account acquainted acquisition after against ahadith al alive all already also am among amount and any applied applying approaches are areas around as ascertain aspect at attention aware away based basis, be became because become been before behind. being belonged belongs benefit benefit. bequest bequest, best bibliography books bothered brief bring bringing brings brother, but by can capable cases, cause. centers change. changes chapters chare. charge charitable claim classes closest co-sharer come commit community. compensation concern concerned concerned. concerning concludes. conclusion condition conducted connected consanguinity consideration considered constituted contacted. contradiction conveyed could counterpart cried daughters death death. debt, deceased deceased. deceased’s declares: defined definition democratic denied dependent descendant determinate devolve die difficult dined disposing distinguished distributing distribution divided dividing divine division do do.1 done door down due during duties each early earth; educated eldest elites employ enable encouraged end end. entitled epitome era especially essentials establish estate estate. estates even exceed extract facing fact family famous far favour favouritism fear fearing female females few field final find first first. five focus follow. following for forget four from from, fully general general. given giver gives giving go goes good goods, great greatest greatly ground guide guiding guilt had half handing handout happening has have having he hearing hears heavens heir, heirs heirs, heirs. help helpful. helpless her him him. him; his his/her holy hope hoping how if illustrated impediments implied importance importance. important important, in include individual individuals inherit inheritance inheritance, inheritance. inherited inheritor inheritors.2 inherits instance, instead intention interest into introduction is issue issues it it, it. its jurist justice, kin, kind knowing knowledge knowledge. knows lack laid language large later law law. laws lay learn learned learnings leaves left left, legal life like little look machination made majority make makes making male man many marital matter matter. me mean meaning means meant men method methodology might mind mirath mission”. more mosque most much must my myself nearest necessary necessary, new next no none not not; o obligation obligations observe of off-spring, on once one one. opportunity or order ordinary organization other other. others. our out outside over owner parent parents part particularly people people, period. person person, person. persons pertaining posterity prayed pre-Islamic preference prescribed primary principle principles problematic produced project project. proper property property, prophet prophet, prophetic protection prove public purpose quantum quick reason reasonable reference referring refers reform regulate regulations related relations relatives relatives. religions religious remarked, remember research research, researcher resorted restricted right rights rights, rules run running said said: same satisfied satisfies say say, sayings, says says. scholars schools. science see seeing servants serve shall share shares sharia sharing should shows simple simply sister, sister. six small so society some son son, sons. stated step strictly strongest student students subject succeed succession succession, successor successors. such suffered support supported survive system take take. taken takes taunts teach terminology terminology, testator that the their them themselves. then there therefore these thesis they thing things. third this those though three time, to together topic topic. total transfer transmissible tries twLaw two type umma unchangeable uncle, understanding understood usage. use used useful verses verses. very view want warned was way we well were what whatever when where whether which who whole whom will wishes with without women would write writings written you you, youth: “Do •Allowance •In •It •Other •There •With
Law of Mirath - 1694 Words
The Law of Mirath, which mean succession is concerned with the distribution of the estate left by the deceased person, the method implied in the sharing it and the heirs themselves. This aspect of the family law as very important as it is having not been fully understood by the majority of the Muslims in general. The general public has not taken interest in the learnings and writings on it, especially the lay man who constituted the majority in our community. The field is left to the few educated elites and Jurist.
The issues of inheritance as we are seeing it happening in our society has become a problematic issue that most family are facing due to lack of proper understanding of the law by those who are applying it to the people and those who are concerned.
Thus, I take this opportunity to extract some important areas and write in a simple language the Islamic law of inheritance, to enable me learn more about it and also to serve as reference to any student who might want to write on it at the later period. I hope the thesis will be