Law and Morality - 5452 Words

Law and Morality - 5452 Words


(1) (1)? (1961: (1989), (2) (2), (2)? (2001), (3) (3), (3). (4) (4). (5) (Coleman (Dworkin (Finnis (Fuller (Hart (MacCormick (Oxford: (Postman (P’s) (Raz (Wolff (a (and (as (by (can (e.g. (either (existing (finding (i.e. (in (it (kill (left (legal (moral (new (only (or (say (what (while (‘both (‘nobody ). - 1. 10 103-119). 11 12 124-54), 13 14 14-15). 16-40), 167-83 177-82). 1961: 1964). 1967: 1970)? 1979: 1980: 1984) 1986: 1989: 1993). 1994: 1996: 1999, 2 2, 2. 2001: 2004). 2004: 214-9). 23-37). 244). 247). 276), 28-33, 3 3. 326-40). 363-6). 4 4. 5 5. 53-77). 5452 6 7 75). 79, 8 80), 9 93), A Actually, Alexy Alexy, All And At Because Between But By Coleman, Customary D Denying Does Either Elaborate Even Finally, First First, For GARDNER Gardner Hart Here Honoré How How, However, I If In Indeterminacies Instead Invariably, Is It Its JOHN John Judges Jules Juris Later Law Law, Legal Leiter Many Morality Morality’, Morally Morally, Most Necessary New No Nobody Not Notice Now Officials Often On One Or Oxford P Practice Press) Principle Ratio Rechtsstaat References Relations Robert Rule Secondly, She So So, Some Sometimes Such Sure, T That The Then There These They This Thus To True, University We Well What When Whereas Whether Whole Why Why, Why? Words Yet You a ability about above above, accept accepts access accessible; accidental accord, accord. according achieve act action actions actually adapted add added, adding adds administered afflict afflicted again against agency agent aim aim, aim. aims aims, aims. aims? akin all all. allow allows alone. already also alterem alternatives although always among amounts an and announced another another, another. answerable anxiety anxious any anybody. anyone’s anything apart application applications applied applies applies, applies. apply approximate are argue arguing argument, arguments arrives as assumption assumption, at attempt attempted attribute audi authority authority, authority. authorize authorizes automatically available available, avoid avoidance based be be) be, be-all-and-end-all be. be? bear because become becomes becoming been before begin behalf being beings believe beside best better, between beyond bind binding binds body both bound breakdown bring brought burly busy but by called can cannot capable capacities. car care cartels case case, case. cases cases, causa cause’) cave centre certain change changes chooses choosing citizen claim claim. claimed claimed, claiming claims claims, claims. clarity clash clear co-ordinating co-ordination coercion collectively). combination combine come comes commentators commit commitment commitment, commitment? commitments. committed committing common comparator compared comparison? comprehensively conceptual conclusion conclusions. condition confer conferee conferral confers conflict conflicting conflicts conform confusion connection conscience consent, consequences consequences. consequent consistent consolidation constituted containing contempt content content. context, contract, contrary, converge convergent converse could count course course, court courts covered crash create created, creates credence criteria) cruel cultures cynical. decent decide defeat defeats defensible deficiencies deficiency degree, deliberations? delinquents. demands denial denied denied, denying depart depend depends deserves. details determine determined developed developing differences different discretion discretion. discriminated discussed disobey disorder disorder, disorder. dispute. distinct distinctive do do, do. does doesn’t doing done don’t drawn drive driven driving duplicate duties) easy ee effect effective elaborate elderly eligible else employment enable enables encountered encounters endow enduring enforcement engaged engages engaging ensure enter enters entirely entitled equal equal, equally error escapable. even ever every everyone exaggeration. example example). example, exercise exercises exhibit exhibited exhibiting exhibits existence existing exists expectation expectations expectations. expense expertise explaining explains extend extensive extent extortion extra extra-legal extreme eye, fact); fact, facts fail failure failure). fair falls far favour favour. fellows figures fill filler filling final find first first-order five focus follow following follows for for, forbids force force. foregone form formalized forms forth, found four from from) frown frustrate frustrated. further futile gap gap, gap. gappiness gappy gaps gaps, gaps. general generalize, generally get gets give given gives go goes going good government grant grantee grants ground guidance guided had harbours hard has has, has. have have. having heads heard’) hearing. held help hence her here here. hint his hitherto hold holds how however, huge human hurt hypothesis, i.e. idea ideal ideal, ideal-type ideal. ideally identifying if ill-starred illegal imagine immigrants, immoral immoralities immorality, important importantly, impose imposes improve improvements in in. inasmuch inception. include included includes including indeed indeed, independent independently indeterminacy indifferent individually inescapable inevitable inevitably infinite ingredients inner innocent innocents?) inquiry. insist instance, instead institutions, instrument intent intention intentional intentional. intentionally interacted interesting internal interpret intersection intervention intervention, intervention. interventions interventions, into introduced invoke invokes invoking irrelevant irresponsible is is, is. is: it it). it, it. its itself itself. iudex job job, joke. judge judge) judged judges judges, judges. judge’s judgment judgment. judicial judiciary, jurisdiction, jurisdiction. just just, justice, justifiably justification justified justified, justified. justify keep key killing kind kind)? known lacked lacks language last later latter law law, law-like. law-likeness law-makers law-makers, law-making law-making. law. law: law? laws laws, laws. laws: lawyers lawyers, law’ law’, law’s lays least leaving left legal legal. legality legality, legality. legality? legally legally, legislating legislation, legislation. legislature. less less) level liabilities liabilities, license licenses light light, light’s like line list. live lives living location long longstanding looking lose lowest loyalty made made, made. main make makers makes making male manoeuvering many mark matter matter, matters may may, me. mean, means men mentioned mentioning merely meritorious met methods middle might mine, mistake. mistaken misunderstandings model model. modes moral morality morality, morality. morality; morality? morality’ morality’s morally morally, more moreover, most motivated much murder, murder? murderers. must must, my mystery. name namely nature nature, nearly need needed needs nemo neutralise never nevertheless new no nobody non-moral non-redundantly none nonsense norm norm. norms norms) norms, norms. norms: not not. notably nothing noting. now nowhere. oath oath. oaths obedience, obedience. obey obey, obligation obligation-imposing obligation. obligations obligations, obligations. obligatoriness obligatory. observed occasionally, occasions occasions, of office office. officers, officers? official officials officials, officials. officials; often on on) on, on. once one one, one. ones. only open open, options or order other others others. otherwise our out over overcome overcomplicated overextends overextensive overlooked. overruling) owe owes own oxymoron, pain paltry par paradigm paradox, parity); part partem particular, passed passes people people. people’s performed perhaps permissible. permission permission, permissions permissions, person person. philosophy place plenty pocket point point. points police political politicians, pork-barrel position position, positively power power-base). power. powers powers, pp precedents. pregnancy pregnant premises premises, premiss pressing presumptively pretence pretend pretending primarily principles privilege probably problem professionally profit profit, promising proper properly proposal proposal, prospect prospective prospective, prospectively publicly purely purports put put) put, qualified. qualifies quasi-legislative question questions quite racket range rare rate rather reach reaction really reason reasonable. reasoning reasoning, reasoning. reasons recognized recognized. red reducing redundancy referring regress, reined relationship relative relevant relief rely remain remains render replicate replicates reporting require requires resolve resolve. resolved resort. resources respect response rest restrict retain retaliation, reverse. reverses reversing review ridicule right right, right. rights, riot rise rise, road road?). role rule rule) rule); rules rules; ruling ruling). rulings rulings. run sacrifice sacrificed said same same. sanctions, saw say say-so saying says. sceptical schematized second second-order see seem seems self-defeating self-serving sense sense. serve set setting several sex sex, sex-discriminatory she shields? short, should show showing side sides significance silent similar simple simply since, sincerely sincerely. six sketched slight so so, so. social solution some somebody somebody) somebody. somehow someone someone. someone’s something something, sometimes sometimes) sources sources, speak speaking, speaks spokespeople, stable stable; standards standing started state, status steps still stop strengthen strive stupid sua subscribers subsequent substitute succeeds success successful. such suggests. suitable supposed surrender suspend suspended. system system) system, systems take takes taking technical tend test test. than that that, that. the their them them, them. them? themselves themselves, then then, theorists there thereby therefore therefore, these they they? thing think think, this this. those though thought thrLaw threaten threatened threats three through time time, to to) to, to. token told tolerate tolerated too too. took tradition traffic trappings treat treated triumph. trouble true true, try trying turn two typical typically unacceptable unavailable understand understand, understood undertaken undertaken, undertakes undertaking undertakings unjustified unjustified, unless unlike up uphold us us, us. use use. used using usually usurp vacuity value various versions very view view, viewed views violate violated, virtue virtues virtues, vows wanting warranted was wasteful way way, way. ways we weight well well. were what when where whether which whichever while who whole whom why wigs, will willing wisdom. with within without woman wonder work working worry worse) worth would yet yield you you. yours yours, – ‘Moral’, ‘On ‘according ‘inner ‘justice ‘sometimes’

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Law and Morality - 5452 Words


1. Does law have moral aims? Law, unlike morality, is made by someone. So, it may, unlike morality, have aims, which are the aims of its makers (either individually or collectively). Not all law has aims, however, because not all law-making is intentional. Customary law is made by convergent actions that are performed without the intention of making law, and so without any further intention to achieve anything by making law, i.e. without any aim. T

here are also some other modes of accidental law-making. However, for the time being we will focus on law that is intentionally made, and therefore is capable of having aims. Some have thought that law must, by its nature, have certain distinctive moral aims when it has aims at all. If it lacks those aims, it is not law. It must aim to be just (Postman 1996: 80), or aim to serve the