WEEK 6 FINAL with answers The Big One  _____ are componentsof a master budget. [B. An operating budget and a capital budget] ____ budgeting is when budgets are formulated with theactive participa

WEEK 6 FINAL with answers The Big One  _____ are componentsof a master budget. [B. An operating budget and a capital budget] ____ budgeting is when budgets are formulated with theactive participa


$1,000 $10,000 $100, $14 $14, $150,000 $150,000, $150,000. $150. $2 $20 $20. $240. $250,000, $3 $300 $312,500 $435,000, $456,840. $480 $5, $5.25 $6.25 $600,000 $75, $75,000, (Period (Quantity . .d 1,000 1. 10% 10.42% 156,250 20%, 3 30% 4,000 6 6.250% 70% 75,000 :. ::determine ::responsibility ;;;;similar ;;;The ;;;breakfast ;;;setting = A A. ACC/561 Absorption Account Accounts Activity-based An Angelo April, As Balance Big Budgeting Budgets CVP Capital Company Company's Company: Company’s Contribution Corporation Cost Cost) Decreases Differences Direct Documents During Each Etiwanda Examination Expenses FINAL Final Financial Finishing. Fixed Guide Hollis Horizontal How Hug If Important In Industries Internal Inventory Invested Investing Kevin Launching Limited Maintenance Management Managers Manufacturing March Martinez Materials Me Mixing Murphy Net Nonoperating October Often One Only Output Overhead Participative] Payable Personnel, Peter Process Product Production Purchasing Q16 ROI Raw Rebecca Reduced Remains Return Sales Same September Speedo Study The These This Time Under Unfavorable Using Valuing Variable Variance Vertical WEEK Walnut What When Which Why [ [A. [B. [C. [D. ] ]. __ ___ ____ _____ _________ _________, ____a_. ___c__ ___d__. __a_. __a___. __c___. __d___. _a____. _b___. _b____. _c____ _c____. _d____ a a(n) a:: a;;; ability about absorption acceptance account account. accountant accountants. accounted accounting accounting, accounting. accounts accounts. accrual accumulated accumulating accumulation accurate achieving acquired acquiring acquisition action active activities activities] activity activity-based activity. actual advantage affect affected against agencies all allocated allocates also alternative amount amount. an analysis analysis. analysis] analyzing and and/or another answers any appear appears applied apply appropriate approved approximating are are: are;:job are;;;A.direct area as as:: asset assets assets, assets. assign assigning assigns associated assumption at auditors. authority available b balance banks, base based basic basis be been behavior] being benchmarks best between both break break-even budget budget. budget;;;shows budget] budgetary budgeted budgeting budgeting? budgets building. business by by:management by;;; called called: campus can can, cannot. capital capital: cash cash. categories cause-effect caused center. centers cereal. certain chance change changes characteristics. charged classify common communicate companies company comparison compensation competitors' components computers, computing concerned considered consistency consistent constant construction consumed continuity continuous. contribution control control. control?;; controlling convention corporations cost cost-driver cost. cost.] cost?The costing costing, costing. costing:: costs costs, costs. costs: costs;;;makes costs?;;;Investment costs?c courses credit creditworthiness current currently customer data data. day-to-day debit decide decision decisions decrease department department) departments departments, depreciation designing desk desk. desks determine determining developed develops difference differences difficult difficult. direct directly distinguishing divided division division's doll dollar dollars dolls. done. down drive driver driver. drivers. drivers] drives each each. easiest economic effects element employee's employees. entry equal equals equation evaluate evaluating evaluation. even example except exception expense expenses explains expresses external facilitate factor factors factory fashion. feature field financial financial-reporting first fixed flash flexible flow flows fluctuations following follows:Total footage footage, for forecasters forecasts__a_. formulated from function function, functions functions. garbage gather gathered generally generate goals good government greater group groups guides has have help high-volume high–low how identified identify if immediately impact important in include income income, income. increase increases increasing incremental incurred indirect individual information input integration internal into inventory inventory?. invested investment investors. involved involves is is:: is;; is;;; is;;;;; is;;;a it it:: item items its its:: job job:: job;;; job;;;. known labor labor, labor. large last least legal level level. levels liabilities. liability likely line linear linens liquidity lives. logical long, long-term machines. major make make. makers, makes management management. manager manager's managers manufacture manufacturing margin margin;; market mass-produced. master materials materials, mathematical maturing may means measure measured.] measurement measures measuring meet merchandise met method method] methods minus mix. models month. more most much multiple multiple-step must nearest needed needs net new nonmanufacturing not number objectiives objective objectives. obligations obtain of of[C. on one only operating operations or order organization organization's organization’s original other over overcosted] overhead overhead. overproduce own part participation partnerships past pay payable per percent percentage performance performance. performance.] performed period periodic periods. permits personnel place. plan planned planning planning] point point?:: pool pools pools, position. predetermined prepared presents price primary principles principles:: process process. process?They produce produces product product, product. production products products, products. profit profit. program proper proportion proprietorships?:: protects provide provided provides purpose quantifies quantity range, rate. rates ratio ratio?;; raw react recognizes record record, recorded reduce refers reflect reflects regression regulatory relation relationship relative relevant reliability reliable. remains report report.In reporting reporting. reports reports. required resources responsibility result results results;;; return reveal revenue revenues review rounded sales sales, sales. selecting sell selling sells separated separates series service service, services set sheet sheet. sheet] short-term should should;;;show significance simplest single-step small sold. sole specific square standard starting starts statement statement. statement:: statements static step stockholders, store subtotals such summarized summarized: summarized:;;on supervisor. suppliers, system system, system. system;;; system? system?;;; system] systems systems. taken targets technique tempted term that the the:: the;;;(Price their then these thinks those throughout tickets time. time:: time?:: to to;;;; to;;;manufacturing to;;measure, together together, tools top total trace track traditional transaction transactions’ treated? trend true? two type types under unexpected unit units units. unrealistic until up upon use used used, useful users uses using using:: using;;absorption value values valuing variable variances varies various violates volume well well-designed were when when:: where whereas whether which which;; while who whole will with with;;;; within work work-in-process would year:_-d_____ year:__a_____ year__a____: yields zero –

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 _____ are components
of a master budget. [B. An operating budget and a capital budget]

____ budgeting is when budgets are formulated with the
active participation of all affected employees. [C. Participative]

 ___ __ is the field
of accounting that develops information for external decision makers, such as
stockholders, suppliers, banks, and government regulatory agencies .d

__ ___ is the first step in designing a management control
system. b

WEEK 6 FINAL with answers The Big One