CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT A CA (Chartered Accountant) is a professional accountant who has earned the CA title through training and practical experience obtained from the CICA (Canadian Institute of Charte

CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT A CA (Chartered Accountant) is a professional accountant who has earned the CA title through training and practical experience obtained from the CICA (Canadian Institute of Charte

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A CA (Chartered Accountant) is a professional accountant who has earned the CA title through training and practical experience obtained from the CICA (Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants). The institute, which has over 66,000 members, conducts research into current business issues and sets accounting and auditing standards for all types of businesses. A CA is a complete professional in the field of Accountancy - informed in the subjects of Accountancy, Auditing, Business Management, Information Technology, Taxation, Corporate and Commercial Law, Financial Management, Economics and other linked subjects.

Chartered Accountants serve business clients by preparing, reviewing and evaluating financial statements, consulting, preparing budgets and tax returns and analyzing financial information in order to help them with business strategies, auditing services, management, and maximizing production. Chartered Accountants are recognized as leaders of the Canadian business society. The intense programs of education and training have shaped each CA to become an evident leader with financial expertise to help any business grow and succeed in society.

Becoming a CA

The career path to become a Chartered Accountant involves lots of dedication, schooling, and ability to take on the intensive programs and examinations. There are several ways to obtain the CA status. The most common process people go through in becoming a CA start off with enrolling in university. After they obtain a university degree (one that includes the Institute's specified 51 credit-hour requirement), they acquire employment in an office designated to train CA students, for an arranged period of 30