STAFF ACCOUNTANT Accounting is the language of business. Accountants help make sure that individuals do their taxes, get their financial statements made correctly. The job description of an accountant

STAFF ACCOUNTANT Accounting is the language of business. Accountants help make sure that individuals do their taxes, get their financial statements made correctly. The job description of an accountant

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Accounting is the language of business. Accountants help make sure that individuals do their taxes, get their financial statements made correctly. The job description of an accountant includes making financial statements, fixing general ledgers, and helping their clients with taxes during the tax season. Accountants have to have specific education, which can include a bachelor’s degree and the CPA exam. Many accountants absolutely love their job and wouldn’t change it for the world.

Keywords: Staff accountant, CPA, taxes and financial statements.

Staff Accountant

When an individual mentions accounting there are many things that may pop in an individuals mind. Taxes are usually the first and then bookkeeping. There are several different types of accountants,