ACC 561 Final Exam. 1) Budgets _____. A. ignore areas that are presumed to be running smoothly B. are deviations from a plan C. are quantitative expressions of action plans D. provide feedback by
ACC 561 Final Exam. 1) Budgets _____. A. ignore areas that are presumed to be running smoothly B. are deviations from a plan C. are quantitative expressions of action plans D. provide feedback by
$0 $1,023,529 $1,450,000 $10,000 $100 $100, $105,000 $108 $126 $126,000 $14.00, $175,000 $195 $20.00. $240. $250,000, $3,539 $30 $300 $31,500 $33,600 $36,000 $4,200 $4,998 $42,000 $42,750 $435,000 $435,000, $456,840. $480 $5,600 $5.25 $50,000 $50,400 $500,000 $51 $58,500 $6.25 $621,429 $63,000 $70 $75,000 $75,000, $78,000 $84,000 (2ND (are) 1) 1,200 1,600 1. 1.000% 10% 10) 10,000 10,000, 10.000% 100% 11) 11,000 12 12) 126 13) 14) 15) 16 16) 17) 18) 18.75% 19) 2) 2,400 20%, 20) 20,000 21) 22) 22,000 23) 24 24) 24,000 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 3) 3,200 30) 31) 312,500 32 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 4) 4,000 40) 400 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 46.88% 47) 48 48) 49) 5) 50% 50) 51 51) 52) 53) 54 54) 561 6) 6.250% 60% 64 7) 70% 75% 8 8) 80% 800 9) 93.75% A A. ACC ANSWERS Absorption According Account Accountants' Accounts Accumulated Activity All Allocation An Angelo Auditing B B. Below Bryant Budget Budgets C. Capital Cash Cash. Company Company's Company: Company’s Corporation Cost Costs D. DOWNLOAD Department Depreciation Direct Distinguishing EXAM Each Earnings Establishing Ethical Etiwanda Evaluating Exam. Expenses FINAL Final Financial Finishing Finishing. Flexible Full Gomez Goods HERE Hours Hug Identify If In Income Institute Internal Inventory Invested It Jewel Maintenance Management Managerial Manufacturing Martinez Me Merchandise Mixing Mr. Murphy Nonoperating Number October Output Paid-in Participative Payable Performance Personnel Personnel, Peter Practice, Practice. Preparing Product Professional QUESTIONS ROI Reallocation Rebecca Retained Revenues SET) Sales September Service Shared Sold Speedo Square Statement Tax Team The This Total Traditional Transaction Travel Unearned Unit Valuing Variable WITH Walnut Which _____ _____, _____. a ability absorption account accountant accountant's accountants accounting accumulates acquired acquisition act action active activities activities, activity activity. actual adjusting affect affected after agencies. aids all allocate allocated allocating allocation. also amount an analysis and another answers any apparent appear appropriate approximating are areas arising as asset assets assigns associated assuming assumptions at auditing authorities authorized, automatically available avoiding balance bankers banks, based basis be because been behavior benefit between both break budget budget. budgeted budgeting budgeting, budgets by called calls can capital cash categories caused centers chain changes characteristic commitments company company's comparing competence components compute computer-aided com¬pany's concert. conditions conditions. confidential confidentiality conflicts conforms conservatism continuity continuous contribution control convention. coordinates corporate corporation corporation. correct cost cost-benefit costing costing, costing. costs costs. costs? course courses create credit creditworthiness current currently customer data debit debts decision decisions decisions. decrease decreasing department departments departments, depreciation dept. design designing desired desk desk. desks determine determining develop developed development develops deviations direct disbursements disclosing distribution do doll dollar dollars dolls. double down driver drivers due each earnings easily economic effectively effects efficiencies efficiently employees employees. encourages entries equipment evaluate evaluating even example except except_____. exception. expected expenses explains expressions external facilitate factory false? feedback field financial firms firms, first first, fit fixed flexible flows fluctuations following follows: footage for forecast forecasting forecasts formulated from function function, functions functions. future gather gathered generate given gives go goals government governmental gross has heads help high highlighting hours how ignore immediately important in include includes includes: income income” increase increasing individuals information integration integrity interest internal into inventory invested investment is is: items its knowledge labor labor. least legally less level levels logical low machine major makers making management management's managers manufacturing margin marketing master matched materiality materials mathematical may means_____. measure measurement measures measuring merchandise method mix model money motivates multiple name need net new none nonmanufacturing nonprofit not number objectivity objects obligated observed obtain of of_____. on ongoing only operating optimize or organization organization, organization. organizational organizations organizations, other outages overhead participation particular past pay per performance performance. period personnel plan planning plans position. predict prediction predicts prepared presumed price primarily primary prison probably process processes produced produces product product, product? production products products, profit profitability profitability. proprietorship. protects prototype provide purpose purposes quality quantitative range rates record recorded reduce refers reflect regression regulatory reimbursement relation relationship relevant reliability reliable reliable. replacement report reporting reporting. reports resources respectively responsible restrict result results retained return revealing revenue revenues running sales sales. salespeople same sells separated service services services, servicing set sheet sheets short should showing simple skills smoothly so.” society sole spent square squares stages standard statement statement_____. statements static step step-down stockholders, strategic such suppliers suppliers, system system. systems. taxes taxpayers' term that the their then these they this those throughout to to_____. tools total transaction two type under unit units, units. unless until use used users using valuation value valuing variable violates visual volume waste well when whether which while who will will_____. with within work worked would year year: “Refrain “economic
ACC 561 Final Exam.
1) Budgets _____.
A. ignore areas that are presumed to be running smoothly
B. are deviations from a plan
C. are quantitative expressions of action plans
D. provide feedback by comparing results with plans and by highlighting deviations from plans