Mathematics, Science, Problem solving Value of Mathematics: the Underappreciated Subject Mathematics, Science, Problem solving Dec 2, 2012 1218Words 3321Views PAGE 1 OF 4 Introduction •Students

Mathematics, Science, Problem solving Value of Mathematics: the Underappreciated Subject Mathematics, Science, Problem solving Dec 2, 2012 1218Words 3321Views PAGE 1 OF 4 Introduction •Students


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Value of Mathematics: the Underappreciated Subject

Mathematics, Science, Problem solving

Dec 2, 2012 1218Words 3321Views



•Students often complain about Math and its application in life •Mathematics is “..the science of numbers and their operations, interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions and of space configurations and their structure, measurement, transformations, and generalizations.” Body

A.Early Math skills directly correlate to scholastic achievement •Those who learned most math in Kindergarten had highest scores during further education •UC Irvine Distinguished Professor of education Greg Duncan conducted a study wherein he discovered the value of Mathematics in the academic development of kindergarteners.

B.Mathematics in Everyday Life

•People compute when they make miscellaneous purchases.

•People create budgets, estimate costs etc.

•Math is often used by most high-profile professions, whether through simple or complex means. •Skills we learn in Math, such as problem solving and objective analysis help us in analyzing real situations in life.