MARKETING FINAL EXAM CHEAT SHEET strategies for growth: ee market penetration, ne market development, en product development,nn diversification downsizing: eliminate products/units that are not profi
MARKETING FINAL EXAM CHEAT SHEET strategies for growth: ee market penetration, ne market development, en product development,nn diversification downsizing: eliminate products/units that are not profi
strategies for growth: ee market penetration, ne market development, en product development,nn diversification downsizing: eliminate products/units that are not profitable/no longer fit the overall strategy prod and serv lvls of prod core cust. value > actual prod: features, design, packaging, quality, brand name > augmented prod: warranty, after-sale serv., prod support, delivery/credit prod+serv class consumer prod: convenience, shopping, specialty, unsought industrial prod: materials+parts, capital items, supplies+serv. new prod dev: idea generation> idea screening> concept dev+test>mrkting strat dev>business analysis>prod devel>test mrkting>commercialization. npd req’s a customer-centered, team-based + systematic effort. prod. life cycle prod. develop: sales, ^investment, innovators introduction: slow sales, market pioneer. growth: ^ market acceptance, ^