Sport Injury Prevention Strategies  Holmich et al (2009), classified risk factors of the groin injury as intrinsic or extrinsic to the athlete, and also suggested that groin injurpt2             1200w

Sport Injury Prevention Strategies  Holmich et al (2009), classified risk factors of the groin injury as intrinsic or extrinsic to the athlete, and also suggested that groin injurpt2             1200w

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Sport Injury Prevention Strategies  pt2             1200w


Chapter 5 -Analysis


Tyler et al (2002) suggested that, adductor muscle weakness was identified as a strong risk factor compared to flexibility in Professional Ice Hockey players. The authors of the study identified that, if the adductor to abductor muscle strength ratio is less than 80%, it is predicted as a strong risk factor for adductor muscle strain. In addition to the above statement Tyler et al (2001) also identified similar findings. The player with adductor to abductor muscle strength ratio less than 80% is 17 times more likely to have an adductor muscle strain and authors recognised adduction strength was 95% of abduction strength in non injured players, but only 78% of abduction strength was found in injured players. The authors in their (Tyler et al 2001) prospective study, apart from above findings, the preseason strength of hip adduction was 18% less in players with adductor muscle strains when compared with that of uninjured players.