Crime Theories Digital crimes are believed to be caused by different types of theories. The Strain theory could be the cause of digital crimes because the strain of everyday life. The Strain theory is

Crime Theories Digital crimes are believed to be caused by different types of theories. The Strain theory could be the cause of digital crimes because the strain of everyday life. The Strain theory is

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Crime Theories

Digital crimes are believed to be caused by different types of theories. The Strain theory could be the cause of digital crimes because the strain of everyday life. The Strain theory is a sociological theory. The strain of an individual’s everyday life is causing people to “give in” to the pressures in society. Some of these individuals feel that they can’t survive without crime. Strains such as peer pressure, the gain of financial security, and just not being able to reach certain expectations or goals could be factors in the decision in committing a crime. This type of strains can affect individuals or groups in society. Some people turn to crime digital or non- digital if they can’t maintain their living standards by not being able to get money legally (working a job). This is where the digital crime usually fits in when there is a monetary gain.

There is so much that can affect an individual’s reasoning on why to choose to commit digital