Describing the Scene of the Crime The question have been raised on whether or not juveniles should be treated the same as adults in the Criminal Justice System This study will first indicate whether j
Describing the Scene of the Crime The question have been raised on whether or not juveniles should be treated the same as adults in the Criminal Justice System This study will first indicate whether j
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Describing the Scene of the Crime
The question have been raised on whether or not juveniles should be treated the same as adults in the Criminal Justice System This study will first indicate whether juveniles should be trialed as an adult based on age and the offences they commit. Secondly, this study will give details of an actual occurrence, where a juvenile was sentenced to a life term due to his gruesome act, which left two individuals dead. This study will also show two very important things to consider when dealing with juveniles, what can happen to juveniles who are exposed to prison lifestyles and how this can affect their overall thinking.