FUNCTIONAL AREAS OF BUSINESS Businesses are composed of different areas that work cohesively to achieve goals. The areas are often referred to as departments or functional areas. Accounting, Human Res
FUNCTIONAL AREAS OF BUSINESS Businesses are composed of different areas that work cohesively to achieve goals. The areas are often referred to as departments or functional areas. Accounting, Human Res
Two of the most important functional areas of every business are Accounting and Human Resources. Human Resources can be considered many things in business today. While 30 years ago Human Resources, or HR, were simply there to hire and fire, it has become more of a strategic business partner function in a business. Businesses have changed over the past 30 years and businesses need advisors to guide decision makers. HR has evolved into managing human capital, and the principle that effective management practices drives employee satisfaction, that drives customer satisfaction which eventually drives long-term profitability and growth. Cascio, W. F. (2005). In business today HR leverages human capital within a company and provides employees who fit the company strategy, vision and values.
While at one time many of the transactional HR tasks such as Payroll, Benefits Administration and Training were outsourced to companies outside the business, HR has once