Algebra Radical Equations The book Radical Equations was an interesting story about Robert P. Moses and his journey through the civil rights movement and how he started the “Algebra Project”. During

Algebra Radical Equations The book Radical Equations was an interesting story about Robert P. Moses and his journey through the civil rights movement and how he started the “Algebra Project”. During

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Algebra Radical Equations

            The book Radical Equations was an interesting story about Robert P. Moses and his journey through the civil rights movement and how he started the “Algebra Project”. During the Civil Rights Movement, he played an important role in Liberty, Mississippi where he helped the first

Blacks, in the history of that town, register to vote. After going door to door asking if he could help people fill out the registration form, people finally began going with him to the courthouse to vote. There was a point when he was beaten by white people on the way to register voters. Another time, Blacks were registering to vote without him there and were refused. One