Thomas Tsai

Thomas Tsai


Accounting Accounting, Also Also, America As B Business But California California, China Chinese Club Club. Coast College. Community D English Future GPA He His History However I Immigrants Immigration In Intermediate Introduction It I’m Leaders Math Math, Mostly Omar Or Out Reading Since So State There This Thomas Tsai University, Well Well, When With Writing Writing. a able about accounting accounting. achieve activities advice, advisor, affect aid. all also an and another any anything are as ask asleep at be because been before best better big bookstore. boring both boy business business. but can can’t care caught choice class class, class. classes classes, classes. college. come concentrate conclusion, consuming. could course crazy crucial day degree do doesn’t drop drop. dumb easy enjoys essay even every example. except experience, extracurricular fail falling family family’s favorite feel few figure final financial finish first five for four freshman friend from get getting go goal good got grades graduate graduate. had handful handle has have haven’t he head head, help high him him. his history hit homework homework, how hurt idea if immigrated improve in is isn’t it it. job just know language last least like. likes look major major. majoring make makes managed math math, math. might mind more more. most motivate much my need needs never next no not now now, obtain of oh on one online opportunity or other out overcommitted overcommitted. own owned parent planning plans pretty problem problem. professor project questions quizzes reading, really reason received recommend relax. release requirement return, right risk ruining same school school, school. second see semester semester, semester. sequence should shouldn’t shows since six skills sleep so some something sometime sometime. spend stack started starting still stress stress, struggles struggling such surely take takes taking talks teacher terrible test test, test. that that. the the. then then, there think thinking, third this this. those though thought three time to too transfer transfer. two twoThomas understand understand. unless up use useful very voice want wants was week weekly well were when which while who why will with won’t work work. working would writing. wrong wrong, wrong. young.

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Thomas Tsai

Thomas Tsai is a freshman who just started to go to Coast Community College. His family immigrated to America from China when he was young. In high school, his grades were not the best and he doesn’t do well in any classes except those classes that he like. When he was still in high school, he had two extracurricular activities which are Chinese Club and Future Business Leaders Club. He managed to graduate from high school and now he starting to go to college. Since then, he had been working